Chapter ~9~

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A.N. ok I know I always do Katniss POV and I'm sorry but I just don't want to like mess up Peeta's character or something. I would like never forgive myself! Thanks so much for reading!

Katniss POV

Once I get inside our bedroom I quickly close the door. Peeta walks over to me and I burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" He asks. "My mom wanted to know what happened at dinner!" I answer. "Oh crap! What did you tell her? Did you tell her what I did? Was she mad?" Peeta says quickly. I laugh and tell him "I just told her you touched my thigh and that was why I was distracted. She wasn't mad at all Peeta. It's fine."

He smiles a mischievous grin and says,"Well that's good because I don't think it'll be the last time that it happens." I smile thinking about it. "Oh really? I would like that very much." I say. I then decide that Peeta has too many clothes on. I quickly remove his shirt, running my hands over his abs, before moving on to his pants. I unbutton them and slowly unzip them, driving him crazy. Once I get them unzipped I start pulling them down. I run my hands over his butt as I'm doing this.

I see him shiver a little at the contact. Once I have him left in just his underwear he starts to work on me. He runs his hands up my back under my shirt before pulling it off. He quickly gets my pants off me. He picks me up and throws me into bed before climbing in after me. He kisses my neck because he knows what it does to me. I climb on top of him attacking him with my lips. He brushes his tongue up against mine which sends shivers through me. I gently tug at his hair as he runs his hands up and down my back. Once he stops at my bra hook and I'm kind of disappointed when his hands move on.

We break apart and I trace the outline of his lips with my tongue.He moans deep in his throat. He quickly rolls us over so that he is on top. He plants a row of kisses along my collar bone and I feel myself longing for his lips to go lower. I can't believe I keep thinking these things! I decide if Peeta's lips aren't going lower by themselves I'll just have to help out a bit. I quickly slide myself upward in bed, so that Peeta's face is basically in my chest. He looks up at me and I smile letting him know this is what I wanted.

His lips curve into a smile and he runs his hands over my chest which sends shivers through me. I know we'll have to stop soon or we'll go to far, but I really don't want to. Peeta seems to realize this too because he rolls off me and pulls himself up to the same level as me. I turn to him wrap a leg around him and lay my head down on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and I fall asleep with a huge smile on my face.

I wake to a familiar voice yelling from downstairs "Heeeeey brainless and lover boy!" Well it must be Johanna. I'm surprised that she's here already but I'm happy. I wake Peeta up with a loving kiss and whisper "Morning baby, Johanna's here." He smiles and says "Well that's great and good morning to you too love." We get up and wrap ourselves up in our robes before heading downstairs.

I grab Peeta's hand before walking into the living room where Johanna is. "Hey Johanna!" I say and then I think of something, "How did you get in?" She just smirks and holds out a bobby pin. "Knocking's not really my style. I prefer to let myself in." She says. Peeta goes in the kitchen to make us some breakfast because I'm sure Effie will be here soon. Johanna says to me "Hey I'm actually really happy for you brainless. I have a question for you, is your "cousin" single?"

Wow, only Johanna could go from being that nice thoughtful to asking you if your fake cousin was available that quickly. "Yeah I think he is. Thanks for coming it means a lot." I say. Then she does something totally unexpected. She pulls me into a hug. Johanna Mason can seem like a really insensitive person, but she really does care. Once we break apart she says "Okay I'm not sure what your plans for the today were, but I saw a shop in town on my way here that we have to go to. So we're going shopping!" Well I'm kind of scared to find out what this store sells if Johanna is so excited about it.

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