From: Stellar

Promise Kira? I remember your promise you have to do that

To: Stellar

Of course I'm going to make my promise HAHAHA alright stell I have to end our convo this time bye miss you so much

From: Stellar

Bye miss you more kira hope to see you again

Fast Forward again (11:00)

The class was now ended and I forgot where will I live? I sighed I should call stepmom right now and I forgot I was now in my locker putting my things

*calling stepmom*

"Hello?" Mom said

"Mom.. I forgot to ask where will I live?" I said

"Oh dear I forgot to tell actually your living with a 7 guys they are also studying in your new school." mom said

"What?!! A guys?! Mom how can I find them?" I said

"Dear they are waiting for you infront of the school, be good to them I already talk to them that you are living with them. And also dear make sure you're not going to make any violence to them okay dear goodbye I love you baby." Mom said

"But mom-" I was cutted when mom ended the call

I actually called my stepmom as my mom I treat her as my mom it's been awhile since I called someone as my mom

I was heading to the front gate of the school when I saw a black car and a 7 guys lean on the car I think they are the guys that mom mentioned earlier

Wait?! They are the guys that involved in the earlier fight right or maybe no well it doesn't matter

They saw me and one of them unlocked the car and get inside of the car and wait for me to enter the car also did I forgot to say I just brought my whole lauggage and none of them bring it for me tsk. What kind of person are them they not gentlemen tsk.

Few hours of travelling we arrived at their house and their house was so creepy than our school and also it's inside of the forest how can they live here?

All of us get off in the car and also I just put my lauggage in their creepy house they are so ungentlemen I'm gonna teach them how to be gentlemen...... Grrr they're getting on my nerves

All of them go inside of their room they didn't even bother to tell me where is my room how I'm gonna supposed to live in the place where no one is speaking

I bother myself to ask one of them to find my so-called new room I enter the room which is located on my left I knock three times and no one answer so I just open the door and I saw a guy wearing headphones

The guy look at me blankly and he removed his earphone and walk to my direction I was pinned on the wall because of his move and finally he spoke

"What do you want?" He asked

"Iwasjustgoingtoaskwhereismyroomandwhereit'slocatedandalsoIwaswonderingifyoucouldtellmeifyoudon'twanttotellthenIwilljustleaveyourroomandfinditonmyself." I said without non-stop because I was nervous

He just smirked at what I said

"Your room is located on the right beside of my room, also do you want me to bring you to your room?" He said

I gulped immediately

"N-no I-I ca-can g-go t-to m-my roo-room b-by myse-myself tha-thank yo-you fo-for tell-telling m-me." I said while stuttering

"Why are you stuttering?" He said

"No-nothing." I said

I quickly get my things and ready to leave when he pull me outside of his room and bring me to my new room and he leave me alone

I unpacked my things and made my way to the shower and relaxed myself and got a pair of my clothes and put it on when someone knock on my door

I opened it and I saw the guy who bring me in my new room

"The dinner is ready." He said

"Okay." I said

I go downstairs and I saw all of them in the dinning table waiting for me to take my seat I smelled the food and it's look delicious I was going to get a food when someone putted a food on my plate

"Oh it's my favorite food." I said excitedly

"Go eat now." Someone said

I nodded and start eating my food when was eating suddenly I got choked and find for some water

*cough cough cough*

The guy with a prince look gave me a water I drunk the water immediately.. Now I felt better thanks to him

After our dinner we decided to seat on the sofa on living room none of them was speaking when I decided to break the silence

"Umm... Can I ask your names? Because I was going to live with all of you and I think I have a right to know your names right?" I said

They just stared at me blankly

"Fine. I'm going to introduce myself first my name is Jackson Wang." Jackson said

"I'm Kim Yugyeom the baby of this group." Yugyeom said

"I'm Choi Youngjae." Youngjae said

"I'm Park Jinyoung." Jinyoung said

"Oh he's the guy who look like a prince the one who gave me a water." I thought in myself

"I'm Im Jaebum you can call me JB for short the leader of this group." JB said

"But I prefer to call him Jaebum hihi." I thought to myself again

"I'm BamBam the cutest member of this group." BamBam said

"He look like the baby of the group." I thought again to myself

"I'm Mark Tuan." Mark said coldly

"He's so cold." I thought to myself for the fourth time

"Okay.. Now I'm going to introduce myself to all of you." I said

They just nodded to me

"My name is Kira Lux and nice to meet all of you I hope I get along to the all of you." I said

"Go to sleep now." JB said to them but Mark left in the sofa all of them go to their respective room

"Wow they just ignored me?! What kind of person is them, they're getting on my nerves." I said irritatedly

"They didn't ignored you they just or should I said WE already know you and your personality before you came here." Mark said and then walk to his room

"What did he say they know me? But how? When? Why?" I said

I walked to my room to get some rest and I know there are beautiful things will happen to me tomorrow............


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