"Hell or Heaven"

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I've always had the question"when I die, will I go to hell or to Heaven?" I personally say I'm going to hell. The thoughts I've had, the actions I've done, they're pretty bad. To be kissed by the reddish orange flames, to tango with the Devil himself seems like fun. The pain that I'll receive will be less painful than what I received when I was a living, breathing soul No one understand I've done things that the Bible says is a sin. I've lied, I have rebelled, I do things just to piss people off. But then again they are the ones that messed with me first. So maybe I'll go to Heaven. Feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, be able to meet the person who gave me such a terrible life. But then again maybe I do belong in Hell, so Mr. Devil I'll see you shortly. 

This poem comes from the demons deep inside of me. I decided to share this specific poem because I believe that people feel the same but don't have the courage to say it. If anyone was wondering about the sin in the Bible, it's that I'm Pansexual, and the Bible says it's a sin to be gay so... Thanks for reading "Hell or Heaven". 

The Beautiful Things In The WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora