•Begin Pt.2•

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-Jungkook's PROV-
Work. That's my life now. Sometimes I hear about the rumors of me and Jennie going around, and it the only thing that keeps her in my mind. All my feelings for her faded, just like the winter did as it became spring. Today was the first day of our tour, and we had a fan meet right before the concert as well. The makeup designer fixed our hair and makeup before we went to see fans, just like any other fan meet we had. After we were done we came out to the tables as fans started to some in one by one.

I talked to many fans, some asking for me to just sign, and others asking me to do facial expressions and stuff like that. After a while a little girl, maybe 8 or 9 comes up to me.

???: hello!

Jungkook: hello, what's your name?

???: My friends call me munchi.

Jungkook: nice to meet you munchi.

Munchi: are you and Jennie really dating?

Jungkook: well, we were.

Munchi: what happened?

Jungkook: well... let's just say my job got in the way of things.

Munchi: but if you really love her, isn't it your right to fight for it?

I realized something then. This little girl taught me something, most quotes couldn't teach me. I did love Jennie, and I should of fought for her, but I don't like her anymore. Maybe I should talk to her, see how she's been. I just left her, and if I did mean something to Jennie, she would be broken. I smile at Minchi and grab the album she gave me to sign. I wrote thanks minchi, for teaching me something today ~Jungkook, then handed the album back to her. She walked off as I continued to sign other albums.

After a long day, once the concert was over I walk into my room and pick up my phone. I go on to message and text the alley girl that I met so long ago. I started off with a simple:

Are you buzzy?

It didn't take her very long to reply. She messaged me back, replying with:


How's life been?

Can't complain...
I guess
What makes you message me?

I can't message an old friend?

I mean..
It's all I've ever meant to you.


Oh my god Jungkook!
I loved you so much!
And you left me!
You haven't messaged me in months,
Leaving me wondering how you been.
And Tae is the one who tells me you can't go out with me, not even you.
I hope your happy Jungkook.

I felt my heart skip a beat. She told me she loved me, and I left her. I felt a feeling I haven't felt in awhile, almost like the day I first stared her in the eyes. I missed her, and I missed our first date. And I missed talking to her. But I lost it all. I started to cry, just like I did when the manager said I couldn't see her. She wouldn't love me now, not after I crushed her soul, and didn't even care.

I'm sorry...
I should never have left you
And you don't need to forgive me
Just know I love you...
And I care for you
And I didn't want things to be this way.

I love you to kookie..
But I have to work...

I knew she didn't want to talk to me. But I listened to the kid from the fan meet, and I fought for her.

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