Over (Harry Styles Fanfiction)

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“Ariaessa, you know frat houses are way more fun. Plus you don’t have to climb 60 steps to get to your dorm” my older sister Bethany said while groaning with all my boxes. “Aria,” I reply sternly, I hated my full name so I always went by Aria. “In case you forgot Beth you wanted to take the steps. I think you said helps strengthen thighs. And my boxes aren’t even that heavy. I mean seriously that’s my books box and there all paper backs,” I said to Bethany while rolling my eyes. “Seriously Aria, did you pack the whole library with you” a voice comes up from the stairs. “Seth, I thought you were the quarterback of the football team. “Don’t question my strength; this is a piece of cake. I was just wondering how you could carry this stuff.” Seth retorts. “But you know what Aria, this dorm is really stuffy. I mean you don’t get the fresh grass and trees just concrete. In a frat” I cut him off “I know in a frat houses you get this and that and don’t forget the bonus of having drunk guys grinding on you and naked girls sucking face” I say sarcastically. Seth and Bethany roll their eyes; they were so similar star athletes of their school, popular, and always invited to the dances. I could already tell they were popular here at BrooksWaterBoarding School. I had just transferred here, the boarding school is a lot similar to a college so a lot of students come here to get used to the college life. The school has their own café, state or the art gym, spacious dorms, and my favorite a huge 24/7 open library. They also offer living spaces other than dorms- such as apartments and my favorite the frat houses. Note my sarcasm. I decided to stay in the dorm for obvious reasons, but of course Bethany and Seth stayed in the frat houses. Same choices, same looks-which is blonde and blue eyes, same activities they like to do, and same personality. No wonder they are twins. Seth and Bethany DiLaurentis’ who happen to have a younger sister the exact opposite of them.

            I turn the key to my dorm and push it back. I gasp it was positively amazing, big open French door was to the right so you could open it up and see outside. Two medium side beds were lined up on the other side facing the view. A large bedside table separated the two beds. A small door that I assumed led to the bathroom and another one which I discovered was a large walk in closet. That wasn’t even the best part; one entire wall covering from left to right, top to bottom was an empty book shelf. It was perfect, literally perfect. It was light with a touch of vintage. I whip around to see my siblings, the dorm picture did not look like this, and it was least a ¼ of a size of this. “Love it, we thought you did. Uncle Cowell saw this when you were too busy hyperventilating about the library and he knew that he just had to get it.” Seth says. (A/N: Simon Cowell is not famous in the story. Nor does he have a music record label. I just used his name for their uncle.) I run to Beth and Seth and jump and wrap my arms around them squeezing them a hug like I used to do when I was younger. “Get organized. You know there is a frat party tonight, you can come over?” Bethany says. “I want to get a feel of the school. You know explore a bit. Plus my first day is tomorrow” I reply. “Alright 4.0 GPA, get some rest need anything call us. And make sure you wear my planned outfit for you that I made for you.” Bethany says sternly while giving me a you-better-do-it-or-else- look. I shake my head and roll my eyes.

            I managed to organize all my books onto the book shelf; I still have ¾ to go. I smile it was perfectly neat. All the titles were facing me; I am very particular about my books. Especially my favorites The Great Gatsby and My Name Is Asher Lev. “Oh my god, Niall. Stop protecting me” girl half-screams. “I know Becky, but I knew his intentions.” Another person argues back who I assumed was Niall. The door abruptly swings open showing a pissed off brown haired girl and an angry blonde boy. “Oh, hi I thought we were early” the brown haired girl says surprised. “You are I’m just abnormally early” I smile while getting up to introduce myself. I raise my hand to shake hers but I’m cut as she pulls me into a big welcoming hug. I stand there unsure what to do and I slowly reluctantly hug back. “You should know I don’t really do hugs, I’m a very straightforward person. I either love you or hate you. I can already tell your going to be awesome. I mean at first I was a little unsure because your so tall and gorgeous so I thought you might be unwelcome and a bit of a bitch but now I don’t give a damn” she rambles. I widen my eyes I never seen anyone talk that much, she was going 500 words per minute. “Oh gosh, I’m Becky, I’m from here. Bellevue” Becky smiles. “Aria” I say. “This place is great, at first I was unsure about the bookshelf because I don’t read a lot so I thought I was going to have a big empty shelf. But now its filled I love it makes me smarter than I actually am” Becky exclaims. “Is this your first year here?” I ask. “Nope my second year, my older brother Niall is on his last year” she says pointing to Niall. “Yup, every junior is paired up with a sophomore.” Niall points out. “What about the seniors?” I question. “Most seniors stay in the frat house, or get an apartment since by then most seniors already started their internships” Niall answers. “Niall is staying in the frat house” Becky says. I made a mental note to ask Bethany and Seth if they knew Niall I figured they had to because he was the same age as them and they were staying in the same place. “I’ve got to go, set up the party and stuff” Niall says while opening the door. “Okay, I’ll see you there” Becky says while opening her suitcase. “So what are you wearing?” Becky asks. “Oh, I’m not going” I say while shrugging on my jacket to explore the campus. “What? Why not?” Becky asks. “School night” I reply simply. “Aria, you came here to get the college experience and frat parties are included in the college adventure” Becky says dramatically. I open my mouth to reply and then clamp it shut realizing she had a valid point. Becky smiles smugly knowing that she won her argument “so I think you would look good a soft, waves” Becky says.

Begin Again. (Harry Styles Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora