Lonely In My Bedroom

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The following day, Kate woke up. As she woke up and turned onto her back, she sat up and screamed.

There, surrounding her, was chicken wire. Plus she wasn't in her Disney princesses bed. No. She was in a cot. The same cot she was in, when she was a baby.

Kate screamed and cried and yelled. Jim walked in and he didn't look quite pleased.

"What do you want?" He asked bluntly.

"Breakfast please, daddy." Kate replied. She put her arms out to her father, but he just walked out the bedroom.

"Daddy??" Kate called. But Jim didn't come back in. Kate silencely cried.

The door opened and Jim walked in holding a tray with food.

"Daddy!!" Kate was happy to see him.

"Eat this and eat in 6-8hours time. If you don't eat this now and leavebit to go cold, you will be hungry for hours. Got it?" Explained Jim. Kate nodded her head. "Up, daddy." Jim ignored her and walked out.

Kate looked at the tray with food. Kate had a disgusted expression plastered on her face. There was coffee, Kate doesn't drink coffee. Her mom doesn't let her drink it in the mornings. Also there was salmon in sandwiches- Kate hates salmon. I think her mom told her she was allergic to salmon and to never ever try it. Kate picked the plate up and moved it away from her.

There were a bowl of. Fruit and Kate loves fruit. Kate examined t each fruit, but unfortunately, they were the fruit she didn't like. Kiwi, melon, watermelon, avocado, coconut- she hates. Apples, bananas, grapes, oranges and all types of berries. But in the bowl, there is chopped up coconut, watermelon, kiwi and grapes. Kate's only eats the grapes and nothing else.

Kate moves the bowl to the other end of her bed and lies down. She softly and silencely cries herself back to sleep, while thinking of her mother.

Hours later, Kate is woken up by a hand grabbing her hair.

"GET UP YOU LAZY DOG!!" It was Jim. Kate screamed and then started crying.

"Shut up, you cry baby." Growled Jim. He looked at the plate of food. "Why on earth didn't you eat your breakfast? You know that was all you are getting till dinner!!" Kate sniffled.

"But I don't like the fruit. And I'm allergic to Salmon. And mommy told me that I wasn't allowed to have coffee in the mornings." Jim groaned.

"MOMMY IS NOT HERE NO MORE!! STOP MENTIONING HER!!" And with that Jim slapped Kate across the face. "Owwwwwwwwwwwwie!!!!!!!" Yelled Kate, holding her left cheek with both hands. "DADDY!!! Why did you hit me for??" Asked Kate, still crying.

"I think you need to be taught a lesson, bitch." Kate was scared.

Jim picked up Kate and Kate snuggled into his embrace and she was calming  down too. She was half asleep when Jim dropped her and Kate's eyes flew open is shock. Jim strapped Kate to a potty and lefted the room. Kate was shouting for him.

"DADDY!!!!" But all Kate got in return, was Jim shouting for her to shut up.

Kate tried to get the straps off of her wrists, but no matter how she did it, she couldn't undo them or unloose them. Kate sat there, not like she could do anything else, wishing, praying, for someone to find her. Kate wants her mother back. So Kate prayed to her mother to help her.

Dear mommy,

I want you back. I miss you. Daddy hates me. He slapped me. I'm scared. He gave me fruit I don't like. He gave me salmon sandwiches too and you told me never to eat salmon as I'm allergic to it. All day I've only ate grapes and now I'm staving. And I'm thirsty too. Daddy gave me coffee, but you said I'm not allowed to drink not in the mornings.

If you can see or hear me mommy, I'm strapped to a potty with bruises on my face. I want to play with my dollies and listen to music. I want my old life back. I want you by my side agian.

I wish in the future, I would go to school and get an education. I also what to have a loving, caring and supportive family. I want to have a family of my own. With a husband who is also loving, caring and supportive. But what would I have to do to get what I want in my future? Would I have to survive this? Or will I die from this experience? I want friends. I want a family. I want an education. I want you, mommy. But mosted of all, I want a home.

Please help me mommy. Help me get through this. If you love me, you will help me. Please mommy. I love you!!


Kate cried. She started singing to Babie girl.

"I'm a barbie girl, in a Barbie world!! Life is plastic, it's fantastic!! You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere!! Imagination, life is your creation." She sang quietly.

"I'm a brown, brunette girl, in a fantasy world! Dress me up, make it right, I'm your princess." Kate was crying more now.

"Your my girl, rock 'n' roll, feel the glamor in pink. Hug me now. Love me wow. Lovely dovely." Kate sung load and proud.

"BE QUIET, IDIOT!!" Yelled Jim. Kate cried harder.

"Whatever!!!" She yelled. Jim came bursting into the room. Anger filled his facial expressions.

"What did you just say?" Growled Jim.

"Nothing." Kate said bluntly.

Jim slapped her face again. "Tell me now!!! What did you just say?" Kate was in agony. "TELL ME, SLUT!!" Kate was hiding her face from her father. Jim grabbed Kate's chin, making Kate flinch with pain.

"I-I s-sa-said wh-what-e-ev-ever." Kate mumbled out quietly, but Jim heard her and he was furious.

Jim slapped Kate again. Kate whet limp. Jim smirked.  "That will teach you not to back-chat me!!" and he left the room. Kate had tears streaming down her face. Kate noticed blood was on her pajamma bottoms. one....two.... three..... four.... five.... more drops of blood. Kate wanted to know where the blood was coming from, but she couldn't move. So she thought about it instead.

So daddy, slapped my face, my left side, again. That side hurts the most...... blood is falling on the left side of my pajamma bottoms.... so that means I'm bleeding on my left side of my face. So my cheek could be bleeding as daddy has slapped me multiply times. My nose could be bleeding as daddy could have caught it with something when he slapped me.

Kate soon fell asleep as there is nothing else she can do.

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