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Thanks so much Crash_Tomboy for tagging me! Well, here it is!

Thanks so much Crash_Tomboy for tagging me! Well, here it is!

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1.) Name?

Madison, and I'm very insecure about the rest-- *cough cough*

2.) Age?

Well, my birthday is January 13, 1999. So, calculate it--

3.) Looks? (Hair color, eye color, skin color)

Average; Dark brown hair (EVERYONE SAYS BLACK MOTHERFU--), dark, soulless, deep brown eyes, and tan skin.

4.) Personality?

Haha... don't read my description for this... Well, honestly, I am a shy, doormat type of person. I look down when popular girls walk past me, and I don't really talk to anyone. However, I speak when I need to around adults. I'm that type of person who's either really happy, or really depressed-- when you get to know me. I LOVE to make people laugh because it gives me a meaning in life, and I love impressing peers. I trust people easily, which only gets me into deeper heartbreak. If we are close friends, I will chat and take care of you constantly and genuinely, no matter the gender.

5.) Temper?

Usually, I try to build up and keep my emotions in, but most of the time end up exploding anyways. Aaand, that's what gets me to lose my friends. I bottle my emotions because I feel like no one will understand nor want to, but when they tip me off, I end up screaming in fury. My anger is described by my friends as, "sudden outbursts." So basically, shortish-tempered.

6.) Favorite books?

ROMANCE. ALL THE WAY. Well, and mystery/thriller with hints of romance. One of my favorites is "The Last Camellia" by Sharon Creech.

7.) Do you use profanity?

If you know me well, I do. I regret ever starting to use it, and wish I could go back. My parents despise kids like that, but I say it behind their backs. It started in the 5th grade when EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, used profanity. My friends would always try to persuade me, but it usually didn't work, until the day they decided to cuss me out (scream at me) because I told them how I wasn't allowed to cuss. They said that my parents couldn't tell me what to do, and were going to leave me if I didn't cuss. So I did. I regret it. It's become addicting. I thought it would make me popular, and it did. But to my parents, I'm sorry.

8.) Favorite social media stars?

Social...media stars? What? You mean like YouTube or Music.ly? I don't really use social media (wow look a goody-two-shoes), but I mean-- does Markiplier count? I love lets players and actors, but no really social media stars...

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