Chapter 4~Hostage

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Chapter 4 : Hostage

As my mom lunged at me, I quickly jumped to the side and ducked under a nearby table.

"What the heck is wrong with you mom?!" I shouted over the sound of my so-called mom throwing tables all over the place.

"Nothing dear! I'm just, uh, looking for my glasses! I can't see without my glasses!" she said chuckling nervously.

"Mom?" I said my voice cracking a bit.

"Yes deary?" she asked smiling. I smiled a cheeky smile before answering her. I stood up and walked toward her, pretending like I was going to hug her.

"You don't wear glasses!" I yelled while giving her a punch to the face.

She stumbled backward a bit and wiped imaginary blood off her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I will return, and I will get my revenge," she said fading away.

I shrugged and walked to the table we were sitting at. I picked up my coffee and croissant and quickly shuffled out the door.

I went back to my mom's house and started to check every room. I opened the door to the bathroom. Nope.

To my room. Nope. The closet. No- oh wait nevermind here she is.

She's frantically squirming around on the floor. She has bruises on her wrists, legs, and arms.

"Mom! What happened?!" I yelled while untying her.

"Ther-there was a lady. Then, she turned into a thing an-and s-," she began between sobs but I couldn't understand her.

I hugged her and patted her back soothingly while whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

When she calmed down, I pulled away from her. I wiped her tears and finally began to ask questions.

"Okay, so tell me what happened," I said calmly. She nodded and sighed kind of.

"There was a lady who looked like she had snakes in her hair. And she had leathery brown wings. The snakes were a grayish greenish color, and they hissed at me. I reached for my phone to call 911, but she smacked my phone out of my hand and slapped me," she began, but stopped.

"I tried to slap back, but she kicked me to ground. From there, she kept kicking and punching me senselessly. She tied me up and covered my mouth. She threw me in the closet ever since," she finished off sighing kind of again.

I nodded and thought about her words. I will return and I will get my revenge.

I wonder what she meant? Is she even a she? So many questions are swirling in my mind, that I started to feel dizzy.

"Let me make you something to eat, sweetie," she said smiling gently. I nodded happily.

I'm starving from the day I had. Sure, my 'mom' and I had dinner a little earlier, but I didn't even get to finish my coffee or my croissant so it's expected that I'm starved.

Since my mom knows what I like, she decided to make chicken noodle soup for me,

"Honey, go wash your hands. Dinner is almost ready!" shouted mom over her shoulder.

"Okay mom!" I chirped in response. I walked to the bathroom which was on the far end of the hallway.

I walked with a slow pace, making sure I didn't have broken bones in my legs.

Once I finished making sure I didn't have any broken bones, I realized I had reached the bathroom.

I opened the door and flicked on the lights. This place looks more deserted than usual, I thought.

I looked at the mirror and immediately ran into bathroom. Oh no, this is bad. This is bad. This is really bad.

My eyes changed color! How did this happen? Instead being a fudge color, they were bright green.

I didn't even bother to wash my my hands. I just ran into mom's room and turned on her laptop.

I clicked on Google Chrome and almost immediately began typing,'What if your eyes turned from fudge to a bright green color?'

There was a lot of results, but one that really caught my eye was one that said,'Superhuman | bright green eyes |...'

Tears threatened to fall until I heard mom calling me again.

"Percy, what's taking you so long?" she asked. I heard her footsteps nearing her room.

I quickly turned off the laptop and opened the window so she could have the idea that I jumped out the window.

I hid under the desk and waited a little while. My mom walked in, went toward the window and began calling out.

"Percy! Where did you go?!" she yelled. It pained me to lie to my mom, but I had to no choice.

It was either sneakily escape or get reported to my dad. I don't think getting killed by my own father is really an option anyway.

While she was calling out the window, I quietly exited the room. I went to bathroom, washed my hands, and swiftly, but quietly, ran to the dining room.

My mom came back with a sad look in her eyes. She was looking down, until she realized she was in the living room already.

She looked up and saw me. She smiled and ran up to me. Instead of hugging me, she slapped me lightly.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating yesterday, and for the cringe worthy ending. I know you might think,'This is child abuse! Why would ILLAMACORN123 include this in her story?!' Well, it's not technically abuse since it's the first time she's hurt him sooooo... yeah. And, she didn't even slap him hard. Anyway, that's it for now.
Until next time! 💗✌
Word count: 947
Mari~ out!

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