" The Bludgers erupted, followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember the Snitch is worth a'hunderd-fifty points, the Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game", Jordan commetated." The Quaffle is released and the game begins!"

The Quaffle was swiftly taken by Gryffindor Chaser, Angelina Johnson, after it was released.

"And the Quaffle is immediately taken by Angelina Johnson of Gyffindor ― what an excellent Chaser that girl is, and Rather attractive, too ―


"Sorry, Professor."

"And she's really belting it up there, a neat pass to Alfred Jones, a good find of Professor Mcgonagall's, in his first year of Hogwarts playing Quidditch, and doing quite well ― back to Johnson and ― no, the Slytherin captin Marcus Flint gains the Quaffle and off he goes ― he's going to sc ― nope, stopped by a excellent move by Gryffindor Keeper Wood and Gryffindor take the Quaffle ― that's Chaser Katie Bell of Gryffindor there, nice dive around Flint, off up the field and ― OUCH ― that must've hurt, hit in the back of the head by a Bludger.''

The Gryffindor side groaned and wince by Bell's hit by the Bludger." I hope that she's ok", Canada said." Yeah, and if it-a was me I would've been-a cussing", Romano commented. Hermione was quite confused by this," Don't you already curse a lot"? Ron, Dean, Seamus, Neville and Canada snickered at the remark, and Romano's cheeks flared light red," I-I don't a-know what are you talking about, bella ."

"Quaffle taken by the Slytherins ― that's Adrian Pucey speeding off towards the goal posts, but he's blocked by a second Bludger ― sent his way Fred or George Weasley, can't tell which ― nice play by the Gryffindor Beater, anyway, and Jones back in possession of the quaffle, a clear field ahead and off he goes ― he's really flying ― dodges a speeding Bludger ― the goal posts are ahead ― come on, now, Alfred ― Keeper Bletchley dives ― misses ― GRYFFINDORS SCORE!"

Gryffindor cheers filled the cold air, with howls and moans ( Except the fabulous Bad Touch Trio ) from Slytherins, and claps and whistles of approval from both side unparticipating.

"Well done!"

"Whoo! Way too go Alfie!"

"Go Alfredo! Go and-a kick Slytherin ASS!"

The game roared on, and the gameplay became more intense.

"Keeper Bletchley passes the Quaffle to Flint ― passes it to Pucey ― he's flying swiftly towards the Gryffindor post ― dodges a bludger ― OH ― elbows Jones ― dodges Johnson ― he's going to score ― but, way to short on the throw and Keeper Wood catches it."

Wood threw the ball towards Johnson, Flint snarled at him like an angry dragon," Give me that!", as he grabbed it out of the Slytherin Beater's club out of his hands. As the Bludger came hurdling towards him, he gave a mighty swing of the club and directed it to Oliver. Bludger went and rammed into Oliver's chest. Oliver fell back through the hoop, and landed on his broom, drifting toward the ground and fell on the sands below, unconscious. The crowd groan in sympathy with the Slytherins laughed at the misfortune. Flint gave the club back to the Slytherin Beater. America on the other hand wasn't going to have any of that. So he aimed himself at Flint and almost knocked him off his broom.

"Penalty to Gryffindor for direct Bludger strike from Slytherin ― WHAM ― Jones rams himself at Flint ― way to go Alfred ― just kidding professor ― Penalty to Slytherin for nearly knocking Chaser off of broom ― Jones goes for the penalty shot ― and clears it."

Whoops and cheers rang through the air on the Gryffindor stands.

"Flint goes for the penalty shot ― and narrowly misses the hoop ― thank the Queen ― anyways, back to the game ― Johnson has the quaffle ― Captain Flint and Chaser Pucey move in closer towards Johnson ― Oh! They got her in a pinch ― OUCH ― right into the stands, penalty to Gryffindor !"

Hetalia and the philosopher's stone part.2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora