Worse day of my life😢

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Lilly POV
I woke up and got ready to go to dance moms for practice and put on some yoga pants and a sweatshirt and btw I hate that  song cause as you know jacob and I are enamys  ever since that party he was a jerk any way I started to walked to dance practice with Mark
Once we got there he kissed me on the cheek and said he would pick me up when it was over as usual but in the middle of practice I saw jacob through the window and Abby said I would have to get rid of him so I went outside and i said
L: what are you doing
J: I wanted to see you FAIL
L: you're a super mega jerk
J: *kisses Lilly*
L: I hate you now get out of here *whipes her lips*
And every body saw it and now the whole crew and the moms laughed at me except for Kendal at the end of class me and Kendal  waited for Mark to come but he never did because of these texts
M: why did you kiss him we're so over
L: It was an accident he kissed me!
M:ya right I'm not picking you up you jerk
So me and Kendal had to walk home by our self and Mark broke up with me because of stupid Jacob😠

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