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You and your best friend, y/f/n, were walking out of transfiguration, Conveniently, it was last period, and it was also your free period, so you had the rest of the day off. The corridors were chaotic. For a second, your friend separated, causing the conversation that occurred to pause. People rushed past you in every direction, making you twist and turn without control. Soon enough the sound disappeared and the passage became clear again, you and went back to your talk.

"Phew, so what were we talking about?" you ask.

"Erm, ah- right, we were talking about James last lesson" she/he winked at you, also giving you a smirk, " did you see how many times he stared at you, Merlin, he might have a crush on yo-"

"Noo, that isn't possible, and before you even ask, no I will not go on a date with him, y/f/n." you let out a loud sigh.

"Awww, please y/n, you two would be soooooo cute!" your friend whined, making you blush vulnerably.

"AH, so you like him too huh?" your friend saw your slightly prison cheeks, and really got to enjoy teasing you.

"No. I- I don't. Even if I did, he is going to have to try harder that just stare at me" you muttered bluntly.

"Ugh, ok, whatever you say."

Your cheeks settled and you heard a shout from down the corridor, quite a familiar voice as well. Before turning around to acknowledge who it was, you looked at your friend, who seems to be overly excited and jumping in all directions, before finally deserting you. What were they doing? Why did they just run away?

Looking over your shoulder, you now realised why your friend ran off after all. It was bloody James Potter.

"Hey, er-y/n, would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me, i'll buy you some sweets?" he mumbled, but loud enough so you could hear, "I - er heard your friend say it was your free period, and well I was gonna knick off to be honest."

"Erm James, look, as much as a love the offer, you are going to have to try harder than that to get me to come out with you. Sorry, see you tomorrow." you lightly smiled before turning back around, leaving to your common room.


After your encounter with James, you went to your dorm and chilled there for the rest of the night; soon enough you fell asleep and waited for the weekend waiting for you tomorrow.

"Hey, y/n, you coming to Hogsmeade today, all of us are going?" your best friend woke you up, inviting you out for the day.

"UGGghhh, sure, give me a minute," you moaned and rubbed your eyes.

When you fully woke, you dressed quickly, wearing y/h scarf and popped out to Hogsmeade.


"Hey y/n, wanna go to the Three Broomsticks?" y/f/n asked.

When you all reached Hogsmeade, after the long journey of having chocolate frogs and giggling all the way there, everyone split into smaller groups or pairs; you set off with your best friend.

"Wellll.....?" y/f/n pondered, smiling at you sneakily.

"Well what?" you questioned.

"Well what happened with James of course!" they shouted, causing bypasses to turn heads.

"Oh, you mean when you left me alone? Nothing happened, he wanted to come here actually yesterday, but I said no."

"WHY? why did you say no?" your friend really did shout now, practically causing the whole street to turn around.

"BECAUSE, I told you yesterday, he has to try harder than that to get me," you spoke in a loud clear manner, making your friend to instantly understand your choices.

"Ugh, okay. Well we better order."

You and y/f/n walked over to the counter top, arranged seats and ordered. You ordered Butterbeer, and so did your friend. You sat opposite them, your back facing the door. It was all going swell, yet some people walked in. Your friend stopped speaking mid conversation and gestured her hand at the person at the door to come sit with you two. You looked at them confused, until you saw there familiar smirk, it was as if they was setting up something.

"Hey James, hey Peter, how you doing?" you friend didn't break eye contact with you.

"H-hey, erm, y/f/n," Peter mumbled.

"Peter you sit with me huh?" your friend smiled towards Peter Pettigrew.

"Erm, y/n, I hope you don't mind but can I sit here?" James' voice sounded more husky, more calm, more tranquil than usual. You shook your head, it was just the weather getting to your head. You can't be liking James.

"yeh, sure." you moved your hand and pulled out the chair next to you, which immediately was took up by him.

The light conversation between the four of you died off, since you all finished your drinks, and your friend gave you the 'take, him, out, now" kind of look. And to your surprise, you took it. Pushing in your chair after standing up, you asked James if he wanted to stroll with you for a bit before sundown. Obviously, he accepted. Waving goodbye to y/f/n and Peter, James held the door for you and accompanied with you around Hogsmeade.

'So, y/n, would you like to go out tomorrow, considering its the weekend and all, ill buy you something. Your friend said that you wouldn't wan-" James muttered before being cut off by yourself.

"Yes, id love to, also dont be bothered about what y/f/n says, she's just babbling your mind." You sighed and laughed looking at his quite bewildered expression.

"Wait, your sure?" he questioned at least ten times before you gave in,

"Yes, James. I'm sure. However, next time, your gonna have to try harder than just buy me sweets you nutter." you said, remembering what he said yesterday -then shoved into his shoulder, causing the stuttering boy to topple.

"Well, come on, lets go get them sweets." He smirked, causing you to blush a little. God he had an effect on you, and you weren't even sure you had a crush on him yet.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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