Hairspray Live

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Dove's POV
Today is Hairspray Live. I'm super excited but nervous in case I make a mistake. I was in my trailer. It was time for me to go on.
Thomas's POV
I came to watch Dove with Veronica. We were going to surprise her after the show. We sat down in our sedts and took a selfie before the show started.

We both laughed at how the picture turned out

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We both laughed at how the picture turned out. The show started.
1 hour later...
"Wow Dove is killing it" I whispered. "I know!" She replied. We tweeted a bunch of stuff about the show. Dove went off and I knew she wasn't going to come back on in a while.
1hour and a half later...
The show ended. Everyone came back on and bowed. After that everyone started leaving. The cast was taking pictures and most of them were crying. It was hard to see from where we were but I knew Dove was crying. After a few minutes they all went to change. Veronica and I went to Dove's trailer.
Dove's POV
I changed into my clothes that I brought. Someone knocked at my door. I opened it and it was Veronica. "Ahhhh! I'm so happy you came" I said and hugged her. "You were awesome! I wouldn't miss it" she replied. "I kinda had a feeling you were gonna come though. But I knew you weren't gonna come alone so who did you bring?" I asked. She opened the door and Thomas walked in. I jumped in his arms. "Hey babe. You killed it" he said in his accent. It was cute. "Thank you. I'm so happy you're here!" I replied and he kissed my cheek. "I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow Chlo" Veronica said and hugged me. "Ok. Text me" I replied and she left. I re applied my makeup. "Hey can you pass me my jacket?" I asked. He came in back of me and opened the jacket. I put my arms in and turned around. The whole cast got a 'Hairspray Live' jacket with our names on it. "Thanks. I am really happy you're here. I missed you so much" I said and hugged him. "I missed you too. Talking to you everyday on text or on the phone isn't the same as seeing you in person" he replied. He sat down on the chair and I sat down on his lap. "So I heard you got the season two clearance! Congrats" I said. "Thanks. But we only start shooting at the end of January" he replied. We sat there staring at each other. I looked away and blushed. He turned my head and kissed my cheek softly close to my lips. We still haven't shared our first kiss yet. "We should get to the party" I said and grabbed his hand. "Ok" he replied and kissed my hand. We went on set since that's where the party was being held.
1 hour later...
"Let's go home" I said. "Really? Because you're having fun" he asked. "I know. But I'd rather spend time with my boyfriend" I replied. "Hey can I get a picture of you two?" The photographer for Getty Images asked. I nodded and smiled.

We took the pictures and then left

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We took the pictures and then left. I drove home. "Are you going back tomorrow?" I asked. "Sadly, yes" he replied. It was silent. "I'm still amazed by tonight. Your vocals though" he said. I laughed. "Thanks" I replied. We got to my apartment. "Nice place" he said. "Yeah" I replied. "Is it ok, if we sleep in the same bed? I don't have a blow up mattress" I asked. Like we're only starting off our relationship, and it'd be weird not to ask. "Yeah, sure" he replied. I turned around and smiled and fixed my bed. I went into my bathroom and changed into my PJs. Then he went in and changed into his. He got out and saw me on the bed looking at my phone. He jumped onto the bed next to me. "Whatcha doing?" He asked. "You know, your accent is really cute" I said and shut my phone. He laughed. "Why thank you. You should really come to my hometown and visit. Everyone speaks like I do... So I might not be the only one cute" he said. I smiled. "I would love to... You'll always be the cute one. Well for me" I said and we laughed. "I'm going to watch TV. You coming?" I asked. He took my hand and ran to the couch. I was laughing the whole way. I sat down next to him and he put his arm around my shoulder. I rested my head on him. "You can choose" I told him and handed him the remote. He was flipping through the channels. He was going through but then he went back one. I laughed and looked up at him. He looked at me. We both leaned in slowly. Our lips connected and it felt like fireworks were going off. I turned my head back to the TV and smiled. He continued going through the channels. He stopped when he saw Hairspray Live. "Looks like they're re playing it" he said. I nodded. "Why don't we just go to bed?" I asked quickly. "Um... Ok?" He said and we got in my bed. We turned on opposite side. "Goodnight" I said. It was silent. "Ok I have to brake the silence. Chlo what's wrong?" He asked and turned around. I turned around to face him. "I don't know. The kiss felt good. But like I don't know how to act. You are only my 2nd boyfriend and that was our first kiss and I guess I don't know how to act. I'm sorry" I said. "Don't be sorry. The kiss was amazing. And its ok, I get it. But there's nothing to be weird about. Ok?" He said. I smiled. "I really do love you" he said. "I really love you too" I replied and he kissed me. I turned around and he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and fell asleep.
The next day...
I opened my eyes. I found Thomas looking at me. "Hi" I said and smiled. "Hello" he replied and kissed me softly. "Do you have to go?" I complained and hugged him. We stayed hugging. "Yes. But you can come with" he said. I looked at him. "I can't. I have to work on my music" I said. I got out of bed and went to get dressed. Tom went to get dressed also. The doorbell rung. "I'll get it" I said. I opened the door. It was Ryan. "H-hey Dove... You forgot some stuff at the apartment" he said. "Ya sorry ab—" I got cut off. "Chlo have you seen my shirt?" Tom asked coming out of the bathroom. He looked up and froze. "So this is who you dump me for?" Ryan asked. "I should go" he added and shoved the box to me. "No Ryan wait" I yelled but he was already in his car. "Sorry about that" Thomas said. "Its ok. I'm with you now and I'm happy. I just didn't want him to find out like this" I replied and shut the door. I put the box down. "Found it" I said and laughed. I passed him his shirt. I started making breakfast.
Time skip: at the airport...
We were at the airport. "I'm gonna miss you" I said. "I'm gonna miss you more" he said and hugged me. "I'll see you soon" I told him and we kissed. "Bye" I added and he walked away. He turned back and winked at me. I giggled. I watched him walk away. I went back to my car and drove home.

So I just wanted to say that everything in this book is not real. Nothing like this really happened, well not exactly like this. I just added the Ryan part to gibe it a plot twist. Anyways tell me if I should continue? I'm not sure
Sorry if its short😣
*didn't proof read*

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