Chapter Two

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The chair. The purple ties me into it. I'm stuck to it. Wriggle my tail. Try to get free but I'm physically so weak...

A surge of electricity shoots through me, and I scream. I feel some painty blood drip from my mouth, I squirm.

He laughs, "Midget, you really are a weakling!"

"My... Names... Svan... Decardes..... Not.... Midget..." I gasp out, then groan in agony.

"Aww, is little greenie standing up for himself?"

"NNnnmmhh..." My eyes close, and I try to open them. It doesn't work. Another surge if electricity. I scream louder this time, the taste of the painty blood on my lips. My conciousness is fleeting fast, I don't know what to do... Zoned out...

I wake up screaming in agony, something forcing me to stand as a pointed metal pole is an inch through my torso. I can't move, and even if I did, the pole would move and cause searing pain. Everything is in black and white, and the pole gets fully stabbed through me and I pant... That's all I can do is pant and scream softly from my agony, trying to stop my legs from shaking. I'm forced to stand. Forced to be up. The demon I am with gives me a smirk, wiping my blood off himself, then turning on the television. He's forcing me to watch.

The thing is, if you fail orders, you're supposed to die. You get tortured by the... What color is... I... Don't...

My eyes uncloud and I see on the TV Eziekiel's corspe. My mouth is screaming, "TAKE ME INSTEAD!! TAKE ME INSTEAD!!" Blood is dripping from me at a rapid pace, and once they're sure Eziekiel is dead they let me fall to the ground, the pole going through me further. I just sob.. sob and bleed.

By now, I don't know what time it is. They've pulled the pole out of me, and I'm just laying facedown in a prison cell, they've wrapped up the hole they've put in me... I'm trying to recount what happened in the last six hours or more... It's all a blur. Lets list out what I can remember...
×Woke up.
×Hugged the frick out of Ezzie.
×Forced to have sex with him.
×Took a shower and went to work.
×Killed a man.
×Tazed and thrown in a cell.
×Electric chair and pole jabbed through my torso.
×Laying naked with bandages on the floor of a cell.

How did it go this way? I don't understand how it went this bad... I moan and roll over on my back, gasping. I look at my area and stare at the tentacle. Then back to the ceiling. I'm still sore... Everywhere is tender and sore, and I'm on the waiting list to die...

The time passes so slowly... It feels like days... Weeks... Months.... Pure solitude in the cell... Unable to move.

The time finally comes, and another green demon walks in... I'm so much paler than him, still laying on the bottom of the cold damp cell... I'm picked up, bridal style, and I let out a small grunt... He's covered my genital area... Thank goodness, and then carries me to a table in a different room down the hall. He throws me onto the table and I let out a small cry. I can no longer move so what he does next is cut off my tail. Swiftly, then removes my... Uh... Tentacle. I scream in agony, and he bandages me up, leaving me there.

I try to catch my breath to nearly no luck. I feel tears trickling down my face. A new demon comes and picks me up... I don't look at him. After a while of walking, he sets me in a chair, and it starts moving. I don't try to escape, quite the opposite, I lay back in the chair, not moving otherwise.

It finally stops abruptly, and I open my eyes. A tall blue is infront of me. He looks like Ezzie so much, and I reach out for him and he scoffs. I realize it's not my love and I look back down. I know they're talking but I can't hear them...

That's the funny thing... Somebody could be talking straight to me... But I can't... Hear them. I wish I could listen in but... It doesn't work sometimes. I gasp out, "Where....... Going.......?"

"Oh my gods it spoke!" The blue gasps.

"Yeah, haven't done the vocal chords yet, one step at a time!" The one pushing my chair responds to the blue.

"Wouldn't it be better to just kill him all together? He isn't as bad as some of our criminals..." The blue shakes his head.

"I want my kin to suffer. The most he can."

This is... My brother?! No. No. "Knaff!!.." I pant out, then get punched in the cheek, world blacking out.

I wish it was easy to keep telling what happens to me from here on out, but it's not. It's sick and heartbreaking. I suggest you just stop trying to find about me while you can. It's probably for the best...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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