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September 24th:

It was cold, so very cold. You'd think that in the middle of September it wouldn't be as cold as it was, huh? Well that's how things were at Greenwood High. Everything was morbid looking, like a prison. The brick walls had dark green and spongy moss running up the sides of them. I guess you could say that's where they got the name of the school from. The bricks were old and eroded and had cracks sprawling up the columns. Even the front doors looked dirty and tarnished with a slight rust. Compared to normal schools, Greenwood looked like the setting of every cheesy horror film. Not to mention the eerie fog that had just rolled in from last night's final storm of the season. Besides that, the school wasn't too shabby-well at least the interior wasn't. Oh wait, I seem to be missing something, let's back up to where this story begins.

Present day:

Neo's first day of school was on September 23rd. He got up from his bed with an intense look of distress on his face. He was currently living with his aunt and uncle who took him in after the night of his parents' death. The reason for Neo's expression was because of the reoccurring nightmare of that one horrible night. He woke to the sound of his alarm clock blaring in his ear before picking it up and throwing it on the ground. He then stood up and looked at himself in the mirror.

Neo: Ugh great first day of school annnd I have to go to dinner with my folks tonight-fuck my life...

Neo said with great disgust as he adjusted his messy bed head. He didn't even bother to look at his face for more than a couple seconds due to the discoloration in his eyes. Neo's aunt, Samantha, was coming up the stairs to make sure he was up for the morning. As she knocked Neo was in the middle of putting in his contacts.

Aunt: Hey Honey are you ready for school-

     She was cut off by the sudden sound of a lamp falling and Neo's struggle to cover up his body since he was only in underpants.

Neo: Ahhh! What have I told you about walking in without knocking first??

Aunt: Well my apologies. It's alright sweetie it's okay to have a little surprise in the morning you know every guy goes through this at one point of their lif-

Neo: Oh my god! No no no that's not why-ugh just please can you leave me for the moment so I can get finished getting dressed.

Aunt: Yes yes dear I'll be downstairs making your breakfast when you're done getting ready, but oh by the way can you please take out the trash on your way out? Thank you!

Neo: Yeah okay! Sure no problem Auntie! I'll do it, but I'll be down there in 5!

Neo said as he rushed around knocking over stacks of books and papers along the way. When he finally came out of the bathroom he had put on actual clothing and gotten his face together for the busy day of school he was about to have.

     Neo was wearing a black and white fur tipped hood that he rarely wore, but hey let him live. Of course he wore his matte black thumb rings as his sleeves were rolled up. Neo always enjoyed stars and the universe so he decided to wear his favorite black and white star jersey shirt with his skinny jeans and belt.

Finally, he walked over to his dresser and grabbed hold of the red velvet and silver jeweled box. The box had been made by his great grandfather when Neo was just a child.

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