Be My Valentine? - Sterek

Start from the beginning

“Did you ever think that maybe I wanted to spend the time with you?” He snapped, shaking his head and giving Stiles one of his patented glares.

“What? Why would you―”

Because Stiles, because.” Derek said, frustrated.

Stiles thought for a moment about what Derek was saying, he couldn’t possibly mean that… no. If Derek wanted to… no. Surely he would know if Derek felt something for him.

“You… you wanted to spend the night with―”

“Yes Stiles, is it that hard for you to understand? How many more hints do I have to drop before you actually get the picture?”

Stiles’ mind recalled all the events from the last few months. Derek had been more attentive, softer even, the way he listened when Stiles went off on a rant while everyone else just shrugged him off. The way he took a gently hold of his wrist when he had been trying to escape everything and not letting him go until he was convinced that he wasn’t going to hurt himself.

There was the way he let Stiles invade his personal space more than he did the others and then it was as if he was suddenly remembering it all in a whole different way. The drunken flirting on New Years that he’d thought was one sided he now knew was anything but, especially when he remembered Derek’s stony face when he’d kissed that girl at midnight.

Then there was the fact that Derek always, always, invited Stiles along to pack meetings and always made sure to ask him if he wanted to stay for a bit after. The problem was that Derek was so subtle with his gestures, and subtlety wasn’t Stiles’ strong point.

“I didn’t even… I mean why didn’t you just say something?”

“You’re not interested Stiles, I get that. I should just―”

“What, no, I never said that I wasn’t interested.” Stiles said and Derek’s head snapped up to look at him. “I’m just ridiculously oblivious is all. If I’d known that you wanted… I mean me and subtlety aren’t exactly―”

“For the love of god – would the two of you just kiss already?! This is painful to listen to!” They heard Isaac’s muffled voice from upstairs and Stiles just laughed.

Derek didn’t seem to think it was funny, instead he was reaching over to cup Stiles’ cheek and pulling his full lips against his own, silencing Stiles in an instant. In another, Stiles was reaching out to Derek’s neck, holding him even tighter, a small groan escaping from his lips.

Derek couldn’t help but chuckle slightly. “I thought for a second I’d found a way to shut you up.” He mumbled into the corner of Stiles’ mouth.

“I don’t even think that’s possible. Seriously, I talk in my sleep.” Stiles said, his lips finding Derek’s again, drinking in the taste and the feel of his mouth and wondering why he hadn’t been paying attention when he could have been doing this for months.

“I’ll have to watch out for that.” Derek whispered and Stiles felt his cheeks flushing scarlet.

Derek looked up, his eyes flashing alpha red and Stiles parted his lips a little. “How could you think I wouldn’t want you?”

“You mean apart from saying how pathetic it would be to spend Valentine’s with me?” Derek smirked.

“Well it won't be so pathetic if you take me out for like, dinner or something.” Stiles grinned.

Derek just groaned. “Why can't we just stick with the movies?” He said, both of them knowing he’d do anything that Stiles asked him to anyway.

“Hey, it’s going to take more than that if you want to be my Valentine.”

“Oh really?” Derek cocked an eyebrow and leant in again, taking Stiles’ bottom lip gently between his teeth and pulling it into his mouth.

He ran his tongue along the soft lines and traced his thumb over Stiles’ jaw.

“No… not if you keep kissing me like that.” Stiles said in a shaky breath.

“Okay, then I will.” Derek pressed his lips into Stiles’ one more time, but only for a brief moment. “But you’re right, I should probably buy you dinner first.” He smiled.

“So this makes you my very first Valentine then.” Stiles grinned and Derek groaned again.

“Don’t make this weird.” He said, a smile still sitting on his lips.

“You could always try out new ways to shut me up.” Stiles said, a wicked gleam in his eye.

Derek laughed. “You’re on.”

A/N: Please let me know what you think and Happy Valentines guys!

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