"Wakey, wakey, Sarge." She whispers. He doesn't open his eyes but he does smile. When he finally opens his eyes, he doesn't say anything at first. They just have a moment of silence.

"Good morning," he says in a raspy voice.

"Morning," She whispers back. "Did you sleep well?" He nods, closing his eyes again.

"Thanks to you," he adds. Beverly was about to respond when someone shouts.

"SERGEANT BARNES!" They both jump apart, falling off the cot on opposite sides in the process and looking up, seeing Colonel Phillips. Bucky immediately stands up and salutes him.

"Sergeant Barnes, may I ask why you were in bed here with Sergeant Banks?" He ask. Bucky suddenly forgets how to speak English and just babbles.

"I...I...uh.." Was all he could spit out.

"I asked for an answer, Sergeant. Not stuttering." Colonel Phillips raises his voice.

Agent Carter stands behind him giving Beverly a knowing smile and shakes her head which makes Beverly snort immediately regretting that when Colonel Phillips scolded her. "Something funny Banks?"

"No sir!" She squeals. He looks between Bucky and Beverly not saying a word.

"Sergeants, this isn't a playground. This is war so I suggest you keep your little play dates somewhere else. Got it?!" He snaps making their shoulders jump.

"YES, SIR!" They yell simultaneously. Colonel Phillips then walks out of the tent, Peggy opting to stay behind for a bit. Bucky and Beverly look at each other and laugh.

"That was embarrassing," he says as they both put on their boots and jacket. "Ladies." He gives a small bow before walking out of the tent, not forgetting to sneak a little wink at Beverly's direction. Peggy turns to Beverly with a smirk.

"What?" Beverly questions.

"You like him. No. I think you love him." She gasp.

"What? No, no, no. I don't love Bucky." She denies.

"You totally do." One of the nurses Shelly chimes in. Beverly looks around to the other nurses nodding their heads.

"Is it that obvious?" Beverly grimaces slightly.

"Yes." They yell in unison.

"You two are always together 24/7, you guys look out for each other, and he's very protective of you. And I think that's so sweet. You guys are totally in love with each other." Shelly says.

"I wish I had a boyfriend here." Elaine, another nurse, pouts.

"And don't think we didn't see him sneaking in here last night." Peggy adds

"Did you guys do it?" Shelly gasps dramatically.

"What? No! There was none of that. He just came in to check up on me." Beverly explains.

"So, he checked up on you all night?" Peggy raises an eyebrow suspiciously.

'You know what I can't deal with this right now. Girls, I got a war to fight." Beverly says not wanting this conversation to continue any more.

"We knew it. She does love him!" They squeal as Beverly walks out shaking her head.

"What is that all about?" Bucky asks laughing as he hears squealing and giggling coming from the tent as he passes Beverly a gun.

"Oh, nothing just girl stuff." She chuckles nervously as she swings the gun over her shoulder.


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