Smith, Stone and Jones - Three

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Once Rita had promised the Doctor multiple times that she could stand again he set her down only to be almost knocked to the ground by her tackling him into a hug yet again. "I thought you died!" She cried out. "Doctor your my best friend and I thought you bloody died" she then hit his arm and he winced in pain.

"But I'm still here aren't I?" He cheekily grinned at her. She gave a watery laugh and shook her head. "If you even try doing something like that again then you will die because I would have killed you myself!" She pointed at him showing that she was deadly serious.

"I'll keep a note on that" he nodded. "Oh also I have something of yours" he reached into his pocket and handed her the sonic.

"Ah, my sonic" She beamed. "I thought you were trying to steal it." she then cheekily grinned at him.

"Wouldn't even try, because you would then kill me" she gave a laugh at his joke.

"We should go now" he suggested looking around at all of the people beginning to come to. "Police and all that will turn up soon we don't want to be around for that" she nodded in agreement and they began to walk down the hospital corridor heading for the entrance.

"What about Martha?" Rita asked.

"What do you think?" He raised a brow.

"I think we owe her one" Rita gave out a chuckle linking her arm with his. "She did save your life and you saved everyone in this hospital and half the Earth"

"I guess we do, didn't she have a party to go to tonight?"

"We could also go and crash the party unless it's already crashing itself, I think I have a parallel world memory" she laughed.

"Let's go and crash a party then" they exited the building and headed towards the TARDIS. They looked back and saw Martha waving at both of them. After waving back they entered the TARDIS.

"Now" the Doctor headed towards the jump seat and stood across from it leaning on the console and crossed her arms.

"Now?" she questioned sitting in the jump seat.

"Is your head okay?" He asked a concerned look now on his face.

"Yeah" she shrugged. "It wasn't that hard of a push to the ground and it doesn't hurt that much anymore."


"Doctor" she laughed. "Honestly I'm completely fine, I'm not the one who was getting drained by a plasmavore. It's you that anyone should be worrying about."

He shook his head at her turning around to face the console. Now as dashing as you think I look in this suit." The Doctor joked gesturing to himself causing Rita to roll her eyes. "I'm going to change I like the long coat more and then we will pay a visit to Miss Jones."

"It would be a lie if I said I didn't" she grinned as the Doctor walked off. "I was wondering when you would ask that." She said over to him as he disappeared into the hall of the TARDIS heading to his room to change. She noticed the TARDIS had already another sonic screwdriver for the Doctor waiting. She grinned shaking her head at the new one with a lighter handle colour then the previous. The Doctor soon returned walking over to the console with the other suit on. She rolled her eyes noticing he hadn't done his tie. "Don't tell me you want me to do it" Rita groaned and he chuckled. "Sometimes you can just be so lazy" she rolled her eyes and helped him with his tie then walked over to where she had left his sonic picked it up then tossed it over to him while saying: "catch!" He taught it then laughed tossing it in his hand and watching it twirl in the air before catching it in the same hand again. He then pulled a lever and the TARDIS dematerialised and then materialised again only a few hours after the incident at the hospital as well as moving.

Remembering the Forgotten [2] (The Parallel Series) ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя