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        When I woke it was only 5 am. I left the room put the keys on the desk then left. I got in my car then began to drive to Florida. 

          Once I got there I drove to a hotel called Loews Miami Beach Hotel. I got a room, put some of my stuff in the room, then went down to the beach. It felt so good to smell the salt in the air, and feel the cool breeze touch my cheeks as I went to a Fro Yo store. I got a medium bowl of very berry frozen yogurt with cut strawberries and blueberries on top. I went out of the store and sat down outside. The sand on the beach was a golden blond, and the water was crystal blue, there was even some dolphins jumping out of the water and creating ripples. It was a beautiful sight. My mind began to drift toward my ex.

          What was he doing right now? Being in pain like I was? Or was he just sleeping with another woman? Or could he be possibility celebrating more freedom or knowing he broke my heart? I shook my head. I shouldn't think such thoughts now. I'm free from him, and since my decision was made now I won't have to worry about my heart being broken ever again. 

       "Well, you're awfully pale for someone around here. You now or something?" I looked up. A guy about 6 feet tall stood in front of me with one hand in his pocket and the other holding onto one side of his headphones around his neck. His hair was black and covering part of his glasses. His eyes were an emerald green. He smiled and offered me his hand.

         "The names Cj. I live right down the road. And you are?" I shook his hand.

         "Kim, and no I'm not from here. I arrived this morning."

        "Well would you look at that sunset. Beautiful." Cj smiled and glanced at me before looking at the sunset. I looked at the ocean and watched as the sun began to go down. The sky was lit in several different colors. The tips of the clouds were pink.  

        "I'll see you around." Cj waved then walked away. I stayed sitting until the ocean swallowed up the sun. I got up took off my sandals and carried them as I went down the the shore. I walked along where the water met the sand, and let the cool water cover my toes. I kept walking until I was close to a mound of rocks in the water; I began to hear a loud splash. Curious I walked over to the mound and climbed on top of it. A dolphin kept jumping in and out of the water right by the rocks. I sat my sandals down and leaned forward with my hand outstretched toward the dolphin. After a minute the dolphin's head came out of the water and toward my hand. Just before I could touch the dolphin a truck pulled up and the dolphin moved back into the water and out into the ocean.

       "What are you doing?!" Cj got out of the truck and ran over to me.

       "There was a dolphin."

        "So? It's really late. You shouldn't be out here." Cj was shaking his head sideways like I was some sort of child. "Look get in the truck I'm taking you to my place. You can sleep there for as long as you need. Where's your stuff?"

         "At the hotel not far from here." Cj sighed, crossed his arms, and tilted his head to the side. After a few minutes he finally spoke.

         "Get in the truck either way. You can't be out here. It's cold." I tried not to laugh. It was only 64 out. It was nothing compared to where I'm from, but Cj's stern face made me stop. I quickly grabbed my sandals and got into his truck. Cj joined me and started to drive. It was quiet for half of the trip.

         "Don't do that again. Why did you even do it?"

         "There was-"

         "No. I don't want to know!...Why did you really do it?"


          "No no. I don't want to know. Look just...next time call me or text me okay? I just don't want you out here by yourself. It's dangerous." Cj rolled his hands around the steering wheel. We pulled up to what I guessed to be his house. Cj shut off his truck and went inside. I followed.

         "If you want I'll take you to the hotel after we warm up."

         "If you don't mind I'd like to sleep here tonight. Is this your house?"


         "Would your girlfriend or wife mind?" I kept stutter over girlfriend and wife.

          "I'm not seeing anyone, so no." Cj glanced over his shoulder at me as we climbed the steps and smiled. Cj opened the door and held it opened for me as I went inside.

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