Did he just growl at me?

Start from the beginning

Joelle shook her head no

"Daddy I really like her! I think she would be perfect for you, she is smart and so are you, she is super super pretty, and so you are, she has pretty hair and so do you!"

Roman chuckled as he listened to Joelle ramble on.

"I just need you to keep this a secret until I ask her okay? I want to take her somewhere really special before I ask her to be my girlfriend."

Joelle took her fingers and ran them over her lips and tossed them over the shoulder as if she were throwing away the key as she nodded her head yes.

Roman looked back at the road and continued on the drive in silence. He once again looked into the rearview mirror and could tell she had something on her mind. Before he could ask her what it was she spoke to him in her small little voice that was barely above a whisper.


"Yeah princess"

"I really want mommy to go back to how she was before when she wasn't mean, do you think she will ever be nice again?"

"I hope so baby, tell me something was that the only reason why you wanted the three of us to live together again?"

JoJo nodded her head.

"Does it bother you that your mom and I aren't like your friends parents?"

JoJo looked confused for a minute "What do you mean daddy?"

Roman was silent for a minute he didn't want to make JoJo feel like she was going up against what her mom had told him a few days ago but it was clear that all of the reasons that Evelyn laid out for him were the exact opposite of what he was hearing from JoJo. So he worded his next statement carefully.

"Don't all of your friend's parents live in the same house?"

She shook her head "Nope, some do but some of them are like you and mom, and some of my friends have a step mom or a step dad."

Roman tapped his hand on the wheel "Would you like it if you had a stepmom or stepdad?"

JoJo paused giving the idea some real thought before breaking out into a smile. "I would like a step mom if it was Melanie....but I don't want a step dad." She answered honestly.

"Why not Jo?"

"Step dads are mean." she answered quietly

"Not all of them princess, some are nice"

"Not the ones I know" she mumbled to herself

"What was that Jo?"

"Nothing daddy, how much longer until we get to Mel's house?"

Roman glanced down at the GPS "It should take us another 30 minutes pumpkin"

Jo nodded her head knowing that it wouldn't be too much longer.

Roman looked in the rearview mirror to see his daughter humming along and dancing in her booster seat to the song on the radio N'sync Its gonna be me. He shook his head

"You have been hanging around your Aunt Summer entirely too much"

"Don't hate daddy" she said as she started singing the lyrics "Baby when you finally...get to love somebody....guess what...it's gonna be me!"

From that point on JoJo sung every song that came on the radio. Roman made a mental note to thank his sisters for exposing her to all of their favorite boy bands.

In 1000 feet turn left and your destination will be on the left The GPS chirped.

"Finally!" JoJo said from the backseat as she clapped her hands together.

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