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Teela, after a long day, flopped down on her old creaky sofa, grabbing her laptop from her ottoman, plugging it into its charger. She had been waiting all day just to talk to her group of friends. Especially Damon.

Her old laptop turned on after a good ten minutes of holding down the power buttom, making her finger numb, but she didn't care as she logged into her wattpad account, seeing she had many notifications from her followers and it had bright a smile to her face.

She never knew why or how she had gotten over 500 followers, but she had and she was completely speechless once she had found out. She never thought she deserved all of the caring comments and votes, but her wattpad friends reassured her that, if anything, she deserved even more than that.

One particular message from a dear friend of hers caught her attention. She clicked on Damon's profile picture, Jim Carrey, and read what he had to say.

Damon: hey, you.

Teela: Oh hey.

Damon: Have fun with your family?

Teela sighed.

Just earlier today she had to visit her crazed family, her mother, her father, and her older brother. They all disagreed with her no matter what she did. If anything, she felt like the odd one out. The black sheep.

That's enough with the analogies. She thought to herself, placing her hands on the keys as she typed away.

Teela: it was tolerable. What about your dog? Is he doing we in the vet?

Only recently, Damon's dog, Vincent, had been run over. Teela, having received many pictures and video clips of the dog, felt her heart clench after he had told her the news a few days after the accident. Luckily, it now seemed he was doing fine in the vet.

Damon: Yeah, he's doing much better. He should be home tomorrow.

Teela smiled at the screen as if he could see her.

Teela: That's great! Be sure to send plenty of pictures in return for the full week I went without them.

Damon: ;) will do.

She cursed to herself when her laptop charger had unplugged and the screen went black. Hastily plugging the charger back in, she signed again, knowing it would take forever for it to start up again.

She had already tried getting the app on her phone, but her phone just wasn't compatible as it was cheap and was about to break with the slightest off-touch to the screen.

Holding down the button with much impatience, she decided to just let it sit until it turned on. Standing from the couch, she heard the all to recognizable ring of her old cell phone that sat on the scratched-up ottoman in front of her.

The ottoman had been bought off of Craigslist. Well, not bought. It was in the free section which was probably why every once in a while she was positive she could see something move inside of it.

She looked down at the caller ID to see that her cousin, Jamie, was ringing her. Internally groaning, she pressed the small green icon on the bottom right side of her screen, placing the cold metal against her left ear.

“Hello?” She answered, still using her other hand to hold down the power button on her laptop, deciding being patient wasn't working out for her.

“Oh, hey, Teela.” Jamie's voice almost sounded robotic through the cheap piece of shit phone she had gotten, also, for free on Craigslist. “You don't think you could do me a favor, could you?”

“That depends,” Teela says, almost jumping with glee as her laptop's screen finally lit up with the all to familiar fluorescent lighting. “what is it you're wanting?”

“Well, I was wondering if you could offer a dear friend of mine's younger brother your cheap but spare bedroom. You see, he'd around your age and I think you could really use the company-”

“No.” She cut her cousin off.



“It'll only be for a few weeks,” Her cousin nearly begged through the cellphone. “please, please, please!”

“Fine! Dear God.” She muffled, trying to reply to Damon with one typing hand before realizing she could simply type with two hands if she put Jamie on speaker phone.

Pressing the speaker button, she placed her phone down on the arm of the sofa.

“Thank you so much! He'll be there in a few days.” Jamie shouts with joy. “He seems nice, too. Maybe you two can be friends if you catch my drift.”

Teela rolled her eyes, though her cousin couldn't see them, and pressed the red end button, ending their call.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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