Chapter 2

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Magic crackled through the air like electricity. Arcing around Harry's infant body like a suit of living armor. He felt the killing curse strike him down to his magical core, his magic reacted violently, the power of the 12 strongest mages of all time fighting against a single killing curse. Harry won and the curse rebounded toward the red eyed Magician.

While all of this was happening, young Orion sat virtually forgotten in the corner, until the magic radiating from his brother reached him. The shear power made the magical core of the little boy want to bow, not that the infant knew what that was or meant. The magic touched him on his forehead, and a pain like a wildfire spread throughout his head, he passes out from the sheer power and significance of that moment, that would change the course of this universe for all time.

Harry Could feel the magic retreat into the very back of his core and mind, he glanced over his twin who was asleep in his cot, but one thing caught his attention more than anything else it was the oh so familiar lighting bolt scar that had graced his head all those lifetimes ago. How had a scar from being hit by a killing curse, be on his brother's head. Unless..., NO, Dumbledore wouldn't lie to me, he couldn't, he loved me. But then again, how would you explain this though. He thought something else was bothering him though, I thought that the killing curse was supposed to not leave a mark, so where had that fucking scar come from?

Questions were brewing in Harry's head as he felt his emotions give way to anger, If Dumbledore lied what was really going on?


Sirius Black prided himself on being brave. He was a Gryffindor from a family that ruled the Slytherin house. He fought for the light even though his own dark family magic rebelled against the very thought. Because he was Sirius Orion Black, Padfoot, a good guy, and he did NOT want to be like his family. But Sirius was terrified as he stared at the ruined house before him, if he went in there he could find them dead and he would be alone in this world again. James Potter was his rock and without his best friend Sirius wasn't sure what he would have to live for anymore.

As Sirius wearily made his way toward the house he could feel the magic heavy in the air and on the ground around him. It was so strong it threatened to overtake him, he felt as if he had to submit to this power the magic so much stronger than anything he had ever felt. Sirius pushed open the front door and saw Peter sitting in a chair laughing in a manic way that scared the ever living shit out of him.

"Peter, where are the twins? Did Voldemort get them... Peter, Peter, PETER!" Sirius exclaimed as as Wormtail turned around with a manic look on his face and said in a voice that of hero worship.

"My Lord, has the children and he shall rise victorious..." Sirius acted in a instant firing a overpowered stunning spell at his now former friend, former brother.

Sirius rushed up the stairs as fast as his legs could carry him, taking 2 or 3 steps a a time. He flew down the hallway to the nursery were the twins lay. Sirius slowed as he reached the empty door frame, as the door had been reduced to splinters. He stepped inside the nursery holding his breath in hopes that he would find the kids unharmed.

He was greeted with the haunting green eyes of his godson blinking up at him, silent as ever. Orion on the other hand was knocked out and had the most particular scar on his head, like red angry lightning cut into the flesh of a innocent little boy.

Sirius lifted both children into his arms and brought up the joy that the Potters were all unharmed as he cast his patronus to alert the Headmaster and Remus of this development.


Albus Dumbledore and Remus Lupin were sharing a cup of tea in the headmaster's office when Padfoots patronus came and told them of the events of the night. They apparate instantaneously to the Potter's house in Godric's Hallow. Dumbledore stepped forward to examine the twins he looked at Orion first because of the strange scar on his head. His magic was a blinding white colour. Dumbledore turned to Harrison and looked into his core, it seemed as if there was no magic there.

So Dumbledore turned to Sirius and Remus and announced "I give you Orion Potter the Boy-Who-Lived!"

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