Chapter 7 (edited)

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     Meredith woke up and screamed.
     "WHAT THE FUCK!!" She screamed.
     Just then Lucille came running into the room and Matthew jumped out of bed. Both Matthew and Lucille stood at the sides of the bed.
    "What the crap was that?" Asked Lucille.
    "I had a weird dream." Answered Meredith.
    "What was it about?" Questioned Matthew.
    "Mr Hermit."
     "Who in the hell is Mr Hermit?!" Asked Matthew.
     "He was a perverted old man who died a few years ago." Responded Lucille.
"Hey I had a dream about him too. But I didn't go yelling at 2 in the morning." Complained Matthew.
"Well go back to sleep and try not to think about it." Lucille walked towards the door but stopped and said," oh and that man you watched kill Mr H, that was your father. That was what he did to everyone back in the day when he was.... younger. Before he knew.... never mind. Anyway he ran a business like thing. He actually killed a lot of people. Go to sleep. Good Night."
And with that Lucille walked out of the room and Matthew laid back down. Meredith tried to push the thought of Mr Hermit from her mind. It didn't work . Meredith wondered how Lucille knew what happens in her dream. She brushed off he thought and eventually drifted off to sleep. This time she didn't have a dream at all. Pure darkness.

Meredith woke up to a knock on the door. It was Lucille.
"Lets go lets go. We have visitors here for you." He sounded like he was in a rush. So Meredith and Matthew quickly got dressed and walked downstairs into the dining hall.
Sitting around the table was Osiris, Anubis, Hades, and Hel. But this time there were other people. But there was also younger people there too. People who looked about the age of Meredith and Matthew.
     Sitting beside Hel was a young girl. She had straight shoulder length hair. The roots of her hair was black that faded into different shades of blue. The hint that was strange about her was her eyes. She had all black eyes. Nothing but pure black. She sat slouched over a phone with headphones in. She seemed to be looking at the phone but no one could tell. She wore a black sweater but on the front of the sweater only said, ANIME, with a checkbox next to it. She was slowly nibbling on the fried eyeballs off the plate in front of her.
     Sitting next to Hades was a young boy. He seemed kind of a Angsty. He wore a messy tux. He had dark, fluffy hair that fell about an inch above his ear. He had dark red eyes that seemed to stare into ones soul when he looked at them.
Sitting next to Osiris was a boy in a white t shirt and black ripped jeans. He wore his hair bushy but somehow maintained. He had hazel brown eyes that seemed to match his dark skin. Over his shirt he wore a leather jacket. He sat with good posture and listened intently to what Osiris was saying. (Credit to Rick Riordan for Anubis inspiration)
(These were Meredith's POV on the younger people)
Everyone noticed that the twins had walked in so they immediately stopped talking. Suddenly the three people (that were just described) stood up. Lucifer also stood up.
"These are he children of a few gods of death. They will be he ones assisting you instead of the gods, as they have, err, other business to tend to." Announced Lucifer to the twins, "Allow everyone to introduce themselves."
The girl standing next to Hel raised her hand slightly.
"I, I'm E-Ender. I'm- th- the daughter of Hel. Yeah." She whispered then quickly sat down and put her hood on. She continued to look at her phone. Lucifer seemed utterly annoyed by the way she introduced herself.
Then the boy standing next to Hades stood up. He had a bold look to him.
Finally the boy standing next to Osiris raised his hand.
"My name is Anubis. I am not the son of Osiris. I'm more of his apprentice." He sat down and was quiet.
"Now you two introduce yourself." Lucifer said gesturing towards the twins.
"Ok, I'm Matthew. I'm the son of the Grim Reaper."
"I'm Meredith. I'm the daughter of the Grim Reaper."
"Very well. Now the adults have business to do. Why don't you younger folk run off and do some bonding before you...." Lucifer stopped and the younger people walked out. The door slammed behind them.
"The fuck is wrong with him." Lucille asked Anubis. Anubis shrugged. Meredith got butterflies in her stomach when she looked at Lucille and Anubis. Matthew elbowed her in the side. Meredith punched him in the chest. They laughed and the children continued to walk down the hall towards the common area.                
     "So what are we supposed to do?" Anubis said.
"'The hell we want to do." Said Lucille.
    "I want to dethtroy a world!" Exclaimed Temmie.
    "Have you really destroyed any worlds?" Questioned Meredith.
    "Yeth!!!!" Screamed Temmie.
    Meredith rolled her eyes as they walked into the common area
    They all sat in the common area. They were there for about 3 hours. They played some board games while Meredith drooled over Anubis and Lucille being competitive with each other. Eventually Lucifer came in and invited the kids back into the dining hall. They took their places next to their parents.
    "So now we will explain what you need to do." Explained Lucifer.
    "Why should WE do it?!" Yelled Meredith, "It seems kinda stupid that your making the kids, who are probably less powerful, do it instead of the adults!"
"Because we have other things we need to do." Lucifer answered in an annoyed tone, "If I may continue. There are these artifacts that you will be needing to find. We, the adults, will be trying to find where these artifacts are." Explained Lucifer."Once we find their location we will send you children to go there and find them. Once you find them you are to bring them straight back here no distractions. Got it?"
       "Yes" said the children.
I have no clue why this chapter took me so long to make. I guess cause I was on spring break and I get lazy on spring break. Anyway thanks for reading please vote and comment. BYE 😁😁

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