Chapter 15

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  Haley's POV

1 week later

I lay a blanket and a pair of Elena's clothes in the cell in the basement of the Mikaelson Mansion.  place a bottle of wolves vain on the bed in the cell. I hook the chains up to the wall. 

"Is it going to hurt?" I hear Elena ask as she walks up behind me.

"To be honest, it's going to be the most painful thing that you've ever felt in your life." I say telling the truth. She looks down, fear plastered on her face. Her eyes well up with tears, but she quickly wipes them away as Damon and Klaus walk in. "We need to tie her up now, we have ten minutes before the moon rises." I say. Everyone nods.

I grab Elena's hand and pull her over to the chains in the cell. Damon comes over and helps me tie her up. "Drink some of that water." I say. She grabs the bottle, looking at it like its poison. She takes a big chug. which was a mistake. She starts to choke up water everywhere. "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS!?" Elena yells.

"Wolves vain water. It weakens you." I  explain. We finish tying her up.

Damon has his eyebrows furrowed as he looks down sorrowly at Elena. She pulls him into a hug. "Last week you asked me what we were. What I felt." Elena whispers.

"Mhm." Damon hums back. "We are in love. And I wouldn't have it any, other way." Elena explains. Damon smiles. He was not expecting that. I feel a pair of arms fall around my waist from behind. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Elijah whispers into my ear as he kisses my cheek. I smile and Damon walks out of the cage turns around and shuts and locks it. Klaus walks over to the cell and places his hand on Elena's.

"Good luck sweetheart." Klaus says supportivley. She smiles and nods, but you can tell she is terrified. "Thank you Haley for th- AAHURGG!!" Elena starts to scream, beads of sweat roll down her face.

"Come on, we need to go, the more she see's you guys the more she'll want out." I announce. Everyone starts to go up the stairs as Damon takes one last glance and runs up the stairs.

Damon's POV

"Yeah Bon she's fine." I say into the phone.

"That's good. Well tell her I love her and I'll see you tomorrow. Love you. Bye." Bonnie says back.

"Love you too. See ya." I reply.  I hang up the phone and place it on my nightstand. I hear multiple screams from downstairs and I wince.

"Awww, is Damon feeling bad for litle Ole Elena?" Someone says. I turn around slowly.

"Katherine." I mutter under my breath.

You have got to be kidding me....

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