The Move pt.1

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Ethan's P.O.V.
Today was the day. Me and my brother Tyler are moving with my aunt in Seattle, Washington. My brother is excited, but me not really. Even though I get bully because of my name, but I still have a friend even if they don't stand up for me, but they are still my friends. So it's kinda sad, but maybe this is the school that will not have any bullies....I hope.

It toke awhile to get to Seattle. I hated the ride to there. You see I kinda have anxiety and it's hard when I'm stuck in a plane where there's people. You know it's weird cause I got bully so much my anxiety doesn't hit me or hunt me down a lot, but then it hit me I never thought it will happen again, but it did and I have to deal with it the whole plane ride.

*flash backs*
"Mommy do I have to go to school" I said "yes sweetie you have too" she said with a smile "but they are going to hate me" I said with watery eyes "hey hey it's ok they will love you and you have your brother with you ok" she said with that smile of her. All I did was nod and smile. I got on the bus with my brother but he was with his friends cause he has friends and he was in school longer then me. I was homeschooled for 4 years my mom is a teacher and she is the best mom ever. So I sit by my brother and I know his friends so that was good but they are all in 5th grade so I don't see them but at least I can sit by them with out any trouble "hey Ethan" Jack said he's one of Tyler's friend "hi Jack" I said with a smile "you excited sis" my brother Tyler said "yeah, but I'm scared if they are going to hate me or something" I said while looking down "there going to love you just you wait" Jack said "really" I said "yeah they will and if not I will be there to give them a lessons" my brother said all I did was laugh at the thought at what he would do.

I got off the bus with Jack and Tyler and they want there way and I want my way I waited by the door and look at all the kids that are also waiting.

The bell rings as I walk in I forgot to bring stuff, I just brought a pencil and notebook and a lot of kids were looking at me weird. Is it because I dress like a boy in a way, Is it because I didn't bring a backpack, Or do I have something on my face. I walked to my class cause me and my mom already talk to people so I already know what classes I need to go. When I walked into the classroom I got eye down by the kids in the class the teacher asked me to sit in front of the class and already I hear people talking about me I don't know if they were good or bad, but I didn't really care. When the bell ring the teacher walked up in front of the class "good morning class" he said "good morning Mr.Dashbur" the class said "so today we got a new student do you want to say something" I nod and I Being to talk "hi my name is E-Ethan and I'm a tom-boy and-"before I get to talk I get cut off "is Ethan a boy's name" a girl said "umm yes, but I love it-" "hahaha what kind of name is that hahah Ethan" the whole class starts to laugh "alright alright it's not funny Students" Mr.Dashbur said and by that the students stop "you can sit now" he said I got off the stool and walk to the desk in the back and continue with the day.

After a while it was lunch and lucky me 5th grade was eating too. I didn't want to eat so I found my brother and his friends and sit by them "hey Ethan how was it" Tyler said I didn't reply instead "will will I guess my sister was right there is a girl name Ethan" a girl said she looks like she's in 5th grade I just look down "hey that's not funny" Jack said while standing up I just look at Jack hoping nothing bad will happen "yeah it's just a name come on" Tyler said while standing as while I started to tear up "but look at her she even act like a boy she dress like one too" another girl said but it was the same girl in my home room that made fun of me. Suddenly I feel my heart beat really fast and the words filling my head I got up and ran to the bathroom I didn't even look at the sign so I was hoping it was the girls restroom right. It wasn't I saw boys in there and they looked at me I couldn't even move I was too worried to move then I just fell on my knees crying and that's when I had my first anxiety attack. The room was getting dark. Jack and Tyler saw me and ran to me hoping to snap me out of it, but it didn't help. The teachers came and help me they toke me the to nurses office.

After that day I feel like my anxiety was hunting me down I was having them so much my mom had to take me to a therapist to talk about my problems and it kinda help but when I got to middle school everything want south and I was getting more anxiety I actually cut myself cause of it, but then everything was ok and even when I want to high school I didn't get anxiety, but then my mom-
*End of Flash Back*

"Ethan Ethan wake up"Jack shock me, I shoot my eyes open and I look at Jack. You see he's coming with us for college he's going to the University of Washington to be a photographer over there and Tyler will he's just there cause dad said so I'm still in school, but just one more year "yes what is it" I said a little annoyed "you were crying" Jack said "what?!?!" I touched my face and felt something wet. You see I haven't cried in a really long time so this is kinda weird, but I know it's nothing "are you ok" he ask worried "I-it's nothing" I said looking out the window. I was sitting by the window Jack in the middle and Tyler sleeping at the edge "Ethan something is wrong so please tell me" he said garbing my hand I was kind shock for a minute, but I just let it happen "I had another flash back" I said as I looked at Jack "What, but didn't-" I cut him off "he said it will be likely to have another one" I said "see this is why I don't like that therapist guy" he said that made me laugh a little "hehe that's the Ethan I know"he said with a smile. I always know he had a crush on me, but I just denied it "heh yeah" I said putting my head on Jack's shoulder then he put his head on mine "just 2 more h-hours" he said while yawning I chuckle a little then I fell asleep after that.


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