"Dude, I'm not your teacher. I'm not teaching you everything." He laughed. "Do you need me to teach you how to tie your shoes?" He asked playfully.

"Of course not!" Misha looked offended. "Jared taught me that back in season seven." He chuckled after a moment.

Jensen couldn't help but grin as he heard him laugh. "I'm honestly surprised you managed to learn something with all those dick jokes being made. Not only for the show, but us just goofing around."

"That's probably why it's my favorite season. That, and season four, since that's when I met you and Jared."

God, it'd been so long since he first appeared on the show. It was really only supposed to be a few episodes thing, done and out, never mentioned again. But viewers went fucking nuts over Castiel, so they decided to keep him in the show, which meant Misha was still around. "Man, you were kinda weird back then. I think you were more of a method actor and never really told anyone when you were going into character. Plus, you had these ugly ass sweaters you used to wear."

"Excuse me? Those sweaters were comfy as hell." He smiled. He still had some of the sweaters in his closet, and only really wore them around the house in the winter when it was cold. Since he'd become a regular on the show and started going to conventions, he'd upgraded his wardrobe a little bit. Jensen was a trendy guy when it came to clothes, so Misha actually went to him for advice on what to get. "And yeah, I was a method actor. I never really did it for Castiel though. Only a few times, I think. I started mellowing out with it after you guys started talking to me. Which didn't happen for like, six months since you all thought I was weird." Misha stuck his tongue out at him.

"You were weird. But a good kind of weird." Jensen laughed, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Honestly, if you called me normal, I'd find that as a bigger insult than being called weird." Misha admitted. "Being normal is so.... boring. Being weird or outlandish is so much more fun." He finished up eating the pasta. He had been pretty hungry, so he'd eaten it fairly quickly.

"What would I do without you to make my life not normal?" Jensen laughed, laying back on the blanket, gazing up at the darkened sky.

Misha laid down next to him. "I dunno. You'd have Jared, but he's just an overexcited puppy." He grinned.

The two of them laid there in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's presence. Jensen hesitantly inched his hand closer to his now boyfriend-again until they were overlapping. He laced their fingers together after a moment, giving it a light squeeze. "Did you ever do stargazing when you were a kid?"

"A little. What kid doesn't? I'd stay up late sometimes and just lay out under the stars during the summer." He answered. "What about you?"

"Yeah, me too. We also went camping a lot when I was a kid, and my dad would teach me all the constellations."

"Okay, so what's that one?" Misha pointed at a group of stars in the dark sky.

Jensen stared at it for a few moments. He hadn't really thought about the different constellations since he was a little kid, but it eventually came to him. "Pegasus." He responded. "Did you know that a lot of the constellations are from Greek mythology?"

Misha nodded. "Yeah, I remember learning something about that in college."

They just laid there with each other, occasionally pointing out a cluster of stars and discussing which constellation it was. Misha was surprised that they could even see the stars, considering that they were in Vancouver still. And in most big cities, you usually can't see the stars at night due to lights and smog.

Misha's eyes slipped shut after a while, tired from straining to squint at tiny little stars he could barely even see.

"Don't fall asleep on me." Jensen murmured after a minute, having just noticed his closed eyes.

"I'm not. Just resting them as I relax." He replied, letting a content sigh escape his lips.

He felt a gentle pressure against his lips, immediately recognizing them as Jensen's. He returned the kiss slowly, reaching a hand up and cupping his cheek. The kiss was similar to the one before in the sense that it was warm and sweet, but this time there was no hesitance. The shorter man felt like they could be out here until the morning, just lazily kissing each other, and he wouldn't even care that they had stayed out all night.

He broke away from the kiss after a while. He didn't want to, but being so close to Jensen again was almost.... suffocating. He had avoided contact with him for the past month, and it was suddenly so different being able to kiss him again.

A thought occurred to Misha. "When you were messaging me, and I was ignoring you...... you said you loved me." He paused for a moment. "Did you mean that? Or was it just something you were saying to try and win me back?"

"No, of course not! It wasn't something I was just saying to try and get you back." Jensen shook his head furiously. "I really do love you, Mish." He whispered.

He nodded slightly, feeling more eat ease with the situation. If he had only said it to try and get them back together...... then there was a problem. But he was glad that he hadn't just said it.

"I think I love you too, Jen." He murmured after a moment, giving his hand a slight squeeze.

"Yeah?" He leaned closer, breath ghosting over his lips.

"Yeah." Misha closed the gap, pressing his lips to Jensen's.

They both smiled into the kiss.

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