My Little Michael ~A Mavin Fan-fiction (Gavin's POV)

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I know, I know, I said I wasn't going to make FanFictions anymore... I lied. I just can't stay away from it. Gosh, so hurtful :'( Anywho! Here we go!

~Gavin's POV~

"Gavin! You dirty prick, get back here!" I heard Michael yell from down the hall of the AH Building. I laughed, running away even faster, I had stolen Michael's phone of the kitchen counter while he was playing a game. I ran outside of the building and to my car, trying to unlock it quickly. Sadly Michael caught up with me, tackling me to the ground. I grunted as my back hit the hard cement, my eyes lids closing tightly.

"Miiiicooolll!" I moaned in pain, my back and head throbbed with deep pain. I felt myself being lifted off the ground, I moaned in pain again.

"Gavin.. I'm sorry, here, let me drive you to your house," Michael said, he walked over to his car opening the door, as it was already unlocked apparently. Michael set me in the passenger's seat, closing the door, he got in his side of the car. I heard the car start, after that I fell asleep, not remembering anything else.

-Later that day-

~Still Gavin's POV~

I opened my eyes slowly, the sun slightly burning my eyes. I proped myself up on the couch that I was sleeping on. 'So.. It was a dream?'  I thought to myself, 'Shame I woke up.' 

"Gavin, your up," Michael said, suddenly appearing in the room, I jumped letting out a small scream; he chuckled softly.

"Miicooll," I whined, "Why do you always have to scare me?" He shrugged slightly, sitting down by my feet with a Coke-a-Cola in his right hand.

"I'm sorry my little prick," he said smiling slightly, my stomach did a little flip, 'So damn perfect,' I thought. He stood up, walking behind the couch, "Well, now that you're up I don't need to stay here, bye Gav." He started for the door, I got up and grabbed his hand quickly, stoping him.

"Don't leave," I pleaded, using the puppy dog eyes I knew he couldn't resist, I saw a hint of pink on his cheeks.

"Ughh, fine," he said snatching his hand from mine, "But don't hold my hand, that's gay." I shrugged, sitting back on the couch. Michael sat down next to me, almost to close.

"Uhh, Michael, I thought you didn't like gay shit," I said looking at him, he shrugged.

"That doesn't mean I cant sit close to people," he said looking at me, I shrugged, I'm just going to believe him.

"True," I said, looking at my hands, which one was laying on my lap while the other was on the couch; dangerously close to Michael's hand.

"So, what should we do?" He asked me, I looked at him to see he was looking at me.

"Um, I don't know," I said, shrugging slightly, I looked into his perfect eyes. No matter how much I wanted to kiss him I knew I couldn't.

"How about some Gta5?" He asked me, looking into my eyes; by the look of it I could slightly see a hince of longing in his beautiful green eyes. I felt the couch shift slightly, he had scooted a bit closer to me, it took all my might to not blush.

"Uh, sure, I guess," I said, I didn't really want to, but I guess he did. Michael nodded, getting up and walking to my game shelf, he grabbed Gta5 and inserted in my Xbox. He grabbed our special controlers and walked back, sitting back down where he had sat before. Our legs were practicly pressed together, I looked away because I was blushing slightly. 

A while later we stopped playing, I got up and walked to the kitchen, Michael following me. I got a soda from the refrigerator, "Do you want one?" I ask him.

"Sure, why not?" he said, I grab him one and close the refrigerator. I hand Michael his soda with a goofy smile, he looked at me weirdly, "What did you do to this soda?" he asked.

I chuckled, "Nothing, I promise," I say with a smile. He chuckled, and bloody hell it was cute. We're quiet for a few awkward minutes until he finally said something.

"Gavin.. You've been acting.. Strange lately, is something wrong?" he asked, a bit slowly, I could honestly say that I was shocked that he had noticed.

"Oh.. No, nothings wrong," I say, looking down a bit. I hear Michael sigh lightly, then soft footsteps, I had thought he had left and sighed. Then my head was lifted up, and before I had time to react, a pair of soft pink lips were attached to mine. The pair of lips left mine nearly as soon as they had come, I open my already closed eyes to see a blushing Michael, "M-Mi-cool.." I say, blushing a bit myself.

"Gav... I'm sorry," Michael said, I giggle lightly as he rambles on about how sorry he was.

"Mi-cool.. I liked it," I said, he stopped talking immediately, I giggle again at that.

"Y-You.. Liked it?" He asked me, I nodded, biting my lip, he walked over to me and hugged me.

"Mi-cool," I say, giggling as I hugged him back, I could practically hear the smile dancing on his lips.

"Your cute..." Michael whispered into my ear, his warm breath hit against my ear, sending slight shivers down my back. I blush, burring my head into his neck.

"Your cuter," I say, smiling against his neck; he chuckled lightly.

I think this is the start to an amazing relationship....

Hey! Here it is chapter one of my new story! I hope you like it, this took me a while to write because I had school and writers block. But here it is guys! Bai

My Little Michael ~A Mavin Fan-fiction (Gavin's POV)Where stories live. Discover now