Chapter 1

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Bella's POV*

I dropped the weight of my body onto my fluffy bed set, slowly I began to catching my breath. I just went for a jog, yep, I'm trying to get fit. trying.

I'm Bella Burn but I prefer Bell. I'm an 18 year old English girl mixed with Italian who just finished high school about a week ago. I hold black hair and hazel eyes, I'm 5'4 in height.

I live with mother, my step father and step brother only thing is that my mother and step father are never home. There always on some type of business trip to get a little more cash in there bank accounts, I don't see my all of the accounts are flooded! I'm looking for a places of my own, I got into a really good college and I'm looking for a flat near by.

my mother divorced my father when I was 13 leading her to marry again which gave me a step brother. Kevin.

You know, I don't think he likes me much. He always gives me strange looks and what not, he comes into my room and takes whatever he pleases; doesn't bother knocking or asking just takes like it belongs to him, That's why I have a key for my room. He should just leave! You would think that a 23 year old would just move out and get a place of there own but no, he brings girls home every other night to screw them over. I cannot count how many nights I had to sleep with my music blasting. Over all we just keep our distance from each other, it's what's best.

I picked myself up from my comfortable bed and made my way to the Lou, there I stripped myself from my clothes and ran the shower water. I did a quick washing removing the smell of sweat from my pours with the scented body lush. I slipped on some undergarments then picked up my phone for the time; 7:46pm. Time to cook dinner for Kevin and I. Dressed in sweat pants and a Coldplay shirt with socks I scurried down the steps into the kitchen. I placed my phone on the counter and began to take out the ingredients for garlic chicken but my Mobile went off.

kevin: not ganna be home for dinner, don't wait up.

I rolled my eyes at the text. do I ever wait up for you?

Guess I'm eating out tonight. I went back upstairs collecting my car keys, wallet, and leather jacket. In the car I found myself driving to my mum's friends diner, Her name is Eve. I used to be close friends with her oldest son but I don't see him anymore, I only see Eli, the youngest. he's about 6 if I remember correctly.

pulling up to the diner I noticed only a few cars, 7 to exact but one of them belonged to Eve. I got out my car and made my way to the doors walking through them shortly after, the little bell rang letting Eve know someone has just walked through. There were very few people here. There was one table with a young couple and a baby, another with a family of 4, another with 2 girls, and one man sitting alone. I couldn't see his face, only the back of his soft looking hair.

"Bell!!" a child like voice broke my view of the man. Eli. A huge smile formed on my face at the sight of him, he was the cutest thing ever! I scrunched down a to his small height and embraced him into warm hug.

"Hey buddy, how've you been?" I asked pulling away from him.

"good" he said bringing his attention to a toy plane he had in his little hands.

"your getting so big!" I brushed his blond hair out of his eyes while saying this.

"Hey Bella" I picked up my head to find the voice speaking to me. Eve.

"Hey Eve!" I stood up straight approaching her, she gave me a squeeze.

"You haven't been here since last month, what brings you here?" She asked wiping off the counter.

"well, you already know about my parents..."

"yea" she nodded making quick eye contact with me.

"and Kevin isn't coming home tonight" I added.

"oh hun, have a seat. I'll fix you up something great" she smiled at me again.

"and its so, good to see you! Please stop by more often love, it's always good to have you" she said pulling me into another hug, I couldn't help but chuckled.

"It's so good to see you to"  I said. I found a booth  to sit in with Eli, he went on about an interesting conversation about what he learned from His favorite Tv show, Thomas and friends.

"I never been on a plane before, but mummy says when I get bigger I can" Eli went on. while he continued to speak I felt a pair eyes looking at me, I felt super uncomfortable, I was never good with people. I picked up my head and locked eyes with crystal green ones. You know that feeling you get when you make a loop in the roller coaster? That feeling where your heart sinks into your stomach? That's what happened while looking at this man.

This man had a hard face, a very defined face. Sharp jaw line as he kept him cherry colored hips in a thin line. His head was slightly tilted down giving him a "I'm ganna get ya" scary look. A few locks of his chocolate curls were covering his eyes. He had his large hand clenched around a glass cup while he started at me with a familiar look, it seemed like the longer I looked at this man the tighter his grip went in the cup. I watched his tattooed hand turn white from squeezing so hard and vains began popping out; he managed to make the glass look so small! Just as I was ready to look away from the beautiful but deadly looking man he caught my attention again with another action. a smirk.

not one of those "I caught you looking at me" or a "would it hurt to say hi?" it was a threatening smirk, well at least I thought it was!

your over thinking

I told myself while looking away. I could hear the bastard laughing at me inside. I couldn't help but notice he looked at me the same way Kevin does, I know that look anywhere. What does it mean?

obviously it can't be good right? If it where good then why does it make me feel so wrong? that's because it isn't good you idiot.

I tried so hard to pay attention to Eli and what he was saying but the man kept looking at me, he made no effort to hide it either.

"Eli, it's 8:00 honey" Eve told him, Quickly he got up giving me a squeeze then leaving to watch television.

I watched Eve as she headed for the man.

"here you are hun" she said handing him the bill.

"thank you" he smiled at her show casing his dimples. I watched the unknown man take out his wallet and slap down a few bills and a couple dims. His voice was very very deep and raspy, it would shut you up in seconds. He stood from his seat, there I took in his full height. This man was very intimidating, he was tall Buffy built and inked with tattoos.

"Thanks, Harry?" Eve wrinkled her noes unsure if she had his name right. she knows him?

"Yeah Eve, Harry. Harry Styles" he said while looking at me. He said as though he wanted me to know his name, why? I watched as he made his way to the door and opening it, he gave me one last deviled look then disappeared in the dark known as night.

sorry this edit took so long, I'm editing all the chapters so if your a new reader your in luck your on the right track. if your a familiar reader start over from chapter one cuz it's been a while and I want you all caught up!!! thanks you for still support this book!!!

love yous!

~ Lily

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