Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Tony's pov

   I didn't want to leave her, but right now work had to come first, atleast until we could be open about our relationship. The drive to the crime scene was a complete blur. I couldn't stop thinking about her; Ziva.

   "Boss, Tony's here."When I got to the crime scene Gibbs and McGee were already there. I had to act normal instead of grinning like an idiot because the love of my life was waiting for me back at my apartment.

   "What do we got McGeek?" McGee glanced up from his notebook. He looked at me like he knew something or someone was occupying my thoughts.

   "Female petty officer. Stabbed multiple times, no sign of..." I zoned out again; thinking of Ziva. The way her smile could light up any room; how she could even make bed hair look sexy. How she was perfect and she was mine. "DiNozzo? "DiNozzo?" I was so wrapped up in Ziva that for a moment I'd forgotten where I was. "Earth to DiNozzo!"It was only now, when I dragged myself back to the real world, that I noticed how tired McGee looked. He'd probably been up playing Elf Lord all night in one of his stupid games that he liked so much. "Tony, did you hear anything I just said?" I hadn't, not really and honestly I didn't care. All I wanted was to be with Ziva and I hated crime scenes. I much prefered chasing the bad guys; makes it more like a scene from a bond film.

   We had been there for almost two hours and Gibbs had left well over an hour ago. "Are you okay Tony?" McGee knew something; I could tell. It was getting harder for me to pretend that Ziva wasn't on my mind with only him around.

   "I'm fine Probie!" It could not have been further from the truth. I felt like I needed to hear her voice because I couldn't keep lying; not to McGee and Abby.

  My phone started ringing and so I answered it. It was Ziva. I was sure I had started smiling involuntarily, but I couldn't help it. It was the effect she had on me "Tony, are you there?" The sound of her voice made me want her more and more each time I heard it.

   "What are you doing calling me at work? You know how risky that is! If anyone finds out ... " I didn't want her to think that she wasn't important because she was.

   "I know. I'm sorry; I just had to hear your voice." How could I be angry at her? It's like she read my mind. "I can't wait to see you. I miss you."

   "I miss you too, but Ziva we can't talk right now, okay?" I did miss her, there was no doubt about that.

   "Okay baby. Promise to call me later?" I promised her I would and put my phone back in my pocket. I lost her once and it made me realise that I couldn't live without her, so I was not gonna lose her again! 

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