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She is 3. She wanders off into the woods and finds a man. This man grants her a wish. He is no genie. Not a sourcer. He is nothing but a demon. He haunts her day and night. She can't leave the city. If she does, it will find her, and drag her back.
She is now 6. She can predict the future. In 5 day, 3 hours and 42 seconds. 41 seconds. 40 seconds.... her house will burn to the ground. She wants to tell her parents but they will think she's just lying. She predicted that when she was 4, her grandmother would die in the parking lot of the Catholic Church on West Cucumber St.
In 2 hours, the house will burn and there is nothing she can do to stop it. Her parents are sleeping. She is awake. Only she can escape the fire because the demon cursed her to everlasting life. She sold her soul to the devil himself when she was 12.
In 2 minutes and 13 seconds the house will spark an electrical fire. It will cause the house to explode because the electrical fire is right next to the furnace and gas. The hotter she gets, the sooner her parents will die. She wants to save them but it is their destiny.
10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. The clock stops at 1 second before midnight. The wind picks up. It busts open her window and the man from the woods is there.
He is tall and slim. The man has a scar from his eye to his chin. Nor is it dry but not it is not. He seems different than when he is in the woods. He takes her hand and guides her to tell her parents goodbye. This will be the last hug, the last kiss good night, the last... "I love you"......
She wipes her tears from her face and wipes them on her pajamas. She says "I will always love you, mom and dad." She sulks silently into the mans black suit. They drift upwards until they are at the window. The man says "Jump, I'll catch you."
She jumps and does the dead mans fall backwards. Her tears rush faster. The time has stopped and she is in the treehouse. She looks up to see the demon standing above her. She asks him "Why me? Why did it have to be my family? Answer me you, you, what am I suppose to call you? A monster. You are no Angel. You, you, you're are a demon. One of hells many servants. Does he make you do his dirty work for him because it sure seems like it. He can't do any work can he. A typical drama queen. What does he have you do. Kill innocent people just for the fun of it? Are you going to answer me? No, thats what I thought."
The demon spoke softly. " Oh my poor dear child, you are very confused. You see, you are the chosen one. You have demon blood in your families blood stream. Now you are the vessel and there is nothing you can do to change it. It was not I that have done this but the very man himself and if you want me to call him down I will." She stood there utterly horrified. She was the devils vessel. She, just a plain, normal country girl that was only 14 year old.
How, she wondered, just how?
Then she remembered, when she was 1, a man came into her room and tried scare her. The weird part was that she didn't get scared. She hugged the man and that's when he knew she was the one.
Her parents are gone. Just 2 minutes ago she told them goodbye and that she loved them. Now she would remember them forever. She can not die unless the devil himself does so now she has become an immortal vessel. Now there is no way out of this. This is her only life now, she has to feed off the trees. She must eat the leaves to give her the strength.
Today she is 17. She has her own car. Sadly, she is still the vessel and she got pulled back to her home in the woods. She got to Nebraska but her home is in New Jersey. When she turns 21 she will be released and finally free of that damn demon. He has given her so much hell the past 16 years she can't wait for it to be over. 

       Then she got an idea. What if the demon died?

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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