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Emma lied in bed staring at the ring on her finger, Plagg sitting on her nightstand eating the wheel of Camembert she got him from her stack in the fridge. Her own obsession with the cheese helped him. Plagg swallowed a triangle then handed Emma one, she ate the piece and he floated a over her head. "You thinking about that boy?" Plagg snorted and Emma nodded, a smile on her face and blush across her cheeks.

"He's so sweet," Emma jumped out of bed, walking across the soft carpet and to her computer. She opened up a link and searched his name, typing it letter by letter. T H O M A S O- she got to his last name he was the second most searched person. She clicked his name and found pictures of him for modeling and with his mother. she found fan pages, his name as a hashtag and him...more. "W-Wow," Emma nervously laughed. "He really is famous."

"Well so far he's Adrien and you're Marinette. A obsessed little fashion designer with a crush on a model!" Plagg laughed and Emma rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a fashion designer," Emma pushed away from her desk. "I don't have a thing."

"You like photos," Plagg motioned around the room to all the photos strung around the room on a thine piece of rope. "And you like planning outfits and posses. You're on your school yearbook already and it's only the first day!" Plagg threw his tiny arms in the air. "You two are the photographer and the model. Always around each other." Plagg smiled.

"Sh-Shut up," Emma crossed her arms, Marinette growling down the hall. "Hide!" She heard Marinettes footsteps get closer. Marinette growled as she stood at the window at the end of the hall, near Emmas door. She turned out her computer and quickly pretended to by playing a game.

"What! Evelyn can't quit! She's my greatest model!" Marinette tapped her fingernails on her phone.

"Well I'm sorry Mrs.Agreste but she's booked for Gabriel Agreste for-" Marinette cut off her twenty five year old secretary.

"Say no more," Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose. He was always stealing her models. "What about that boy who just signed for you?"

"Thomas Opal? The mayors son," Marinette hummed. "I'll tell him of your fashion show. Do you need a photographer for all the magazines, news papers and others covering the show?" Marinette thought for a second.

"No. I can have my daughter cover it. What about another female model?" The line went silent.

"I-I'm sorry Mrs.Agreste but every other model is either taken by another fashion designer, on a trip, with their families or something else. I could give you a new up and coming model but they're pretty rusty and they most likely won't fit into the clothes you've made." Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose, then bit her lip.

"Actually, get me a photographer. Any will do as long as they have at least five years of experience and have access to everything," Marinette hung up then walked into Emmas room, finding her in her closet and picking out her clothes for the next day. "Emma, I need you to model for me."

She whipped her head to her. "You said I could take pictures! I can't model-"

"Emma, your body type is almost like Evelyn's so I'd only have to make the pants longer, sleeves longer and a few other things. I would just need you to walk down the runway, poss then walk back." Marinette walked to her.

"Mom, I don't want to walk down a runway, I want to be able to-"

"Thomas will be modeling," Marinette winked, blush spreading on Emmas face. "Emma, I know you like him. You rarely bring up boys at the table."

"S-So?!" Emma blurted out and dug her head into one of her hung shirts. "I don't like all those eyes on me."

"Do you think Thomas does? You said he was shy," Marinette giggled. "It would just be this show and you can take pictures for the rest. Promise." Marinette smiled.

"F-Fine." Emma bit her lip. Marinette patted her back and walked out of her room after saying goodnight to her. Emma lied in her bed once again. Her outfit for the next day on her desk chair. Plagg lied down next to her head, curling into her hair.

"Night Kitten." Plagg yawned but Emma was already fast asleep.

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