The First Suspision

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( this is my first book I soooooooooo hope you guys like it!!👍)

     I knew from the beginning something was up. When I woke up I found myself inside a cardboard box. It was oddly roomy enough for me to be inside. I noticed that at the end of the box was a cut out of a door. So, I am now out of the box and the world seems a little bit darker. I try to figure out where I am, but it seems so different. I see one of my friends Bailey, I go up to say hi, but she pushes me down for some reason. I give her a puzzled looked, sadly all she does is grunt and walk away. I sit there in the mud staring at her confused at what just happened. I soon see my other friends and they are all like Bailey and every time I sit the re looking for an answer as to why this happened.

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