Why? he wanted to scream.

Why her, God?

If someone needed to be shot, you should have let that cadet shoot me!

But Chris just sat there silently, praying as hard as he could, until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, son," Pride murmured. "Let's go sit in the waiting room."

LaSalle rose to his feet and felt his face.

He had been crying and hadn't known it.

He was completely numb.


"If you keep on pacing back and forth like that Christopher, you're gonna wear a hole in the floor," Pride joked, trying to lighten the mood.

But LaSalle didn't really hear him.

He kept on playing moments with Percy over and over in his mind.

Her smile, her laugh, the way her hair bounced when she would jump up and down from excitement.

He remembered every time they touched, from a slap on the back, to that "stupid hug" they shared last year.

He would give anything to go back in time so he could tell her how much he loved, er, loves her.

He would also push her out of way of the bullet's path so she wouldn't be fighting for her life right now.

Of all people, Sonja had to get shot, before he could tell her how he felt.

LaSalle had actually worked up the nerve to tell Sonja, and planned on doing so that night.

But this had to happen.


What was hours, but felt like years later, a doctor came striding into the waiting room.

"Sonja Percy's family?"

The whole team leaped up from their chairs, minus LaSalle, who was already standing.

"Is-Is she okay, doc?" he whispered, praying for the best, and trying to prepare himself for the worst.

The doctor smiled.

"Ms. Percy is doing great. The bullet barely missed her spine. She's a real fighter."

Chris thought he could collapse from relief.

Percy was going to be fine!

"Can I see her?" he blurted.

The doctor nodded.

"Of course, but only one at a time, please."

LaSalle silently urged the man to go faster as he followed him down the hall to room 121.

The doctor stopped outside the door, laying his hand on the doorknob.

"If you plan on spending the night, let us know and we'll get you some pillows."

He opened it for LaSalle, then shut it softly behind him.

Sonja looked so tiny in the big hospital bed.

Chris cautiously approached the sleeping woman and gingerly took her hand.

Her eyes snapped open, and when she saw Chris, a smile formed on her lips.

"Hi," she whispered.

He smiled.

"Hey. Glad to see you're okay."

She started to laugh, but winced in pain.

"It hurts like hell, but nothing a few stitches can't fix. Doc says I can go home in a few days."

LaSalle frowned.

"By yourself?" he asked incredulously, settling beside her on the bed.

He didn't let go of her hand.

"That's what I was planning on," she said.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a while.

LaSalle stared at his and Percy's intertwined fingers.

He barely noticed a tear slip down his cheek.

"Christopher," she said softly.

She never called him that.

He looked up to meet her eyes.

"I thought-I thought you were gonna die today, Sonja. I don't know what I would've done-"

"Sssshhh. It's okay. I'm okay," she interrupted, reaching out and laying a hand on his cheek.

He laid his over hers, silently thanking Pride for convincing him to wash the blood off them.

LaSalle had watched the red liquid swirl in the sink, praying that the blood still inside Sonja was running through her veins.

And now that-

"LaSalle," she murmured. "Even though there was a lot of commotion a few hours ago, I still heard what you said."

Chris cocked his head.

What had he said?

She squeezed his hand.

"I just want to let you know," she smiled, "that I love you, too."

His eyes widened.


Chris leaned closer to her.

"Can I kiss you? I mean-if you don't want to-I just was-"

"Please," Percy laughed, closing the distance between them.

Christopher wanted to freeze this moment, to be able to be with Percy like this forever.

And he hoped to have many more moments like this in the (hopefully very near) future.


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