by the sand colored rock

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During a day so hot near the sand colored rocks is where it is

The little things that is normally unseen to ones like you or me

But in this world were the wind gently blows

Carrying the small leaves and the bugs unseen

Here and there almost anywhere where the wind over powers the overpowers the creatures

So they float on by past the hidden spy that is not easily see by you and me

ill it runs on by and grabs a fly just so it could eat

Here and there there every were smaller than a hand so they ran when they seen you or me

Then you notice it wiz on by and you can help but try to see where it went

then you see there on that rock that looks of hardened sand you see where it has ran

you see the hidden spy that whizzed on by against the gentle wind

You saw it flock to the sand colored rock that you stand by

It opened your eyes and you don't know why you stopped to think about the little thing that are normally unseen by the sand colored rock in the school's parking lot 

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