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Nestled under a mountain of blankets, you rest on your back and glance around in the dark room, a heater humming in the corner, its warmth dancing around in the frosty air of your room. You let yourself become engulfed in your pillows as you feel Tyler's soft head snuggled up against your chest. Wrapping an arm around him, you cup a soft hand on his face and massage his cheek with your thumb. You gently squeeze him and letting your eyelids flutter shut, you allow your mind, numb as you start to doze off, to wander freely.


Long, nimble fingers dance around grabbing for yours, and you allow them to intertwine together. such a pure feeling, holding the hand of the one you love. turning to your left to face tyler, whose head starts to droop and he falls asleep in the bus seat next to you. letting a soft giggle escape from your throat, you lean forward and press a soft kitten kiss to his nose then press your forehead to his, looking at his eyelashes flit softly before his eyelids slowly open, revealing big brown eyes lamb. the sides of his eyes crinkle as the corners of his plump lips pull up into a cute little smile and he pushes his head forward to plant a peck on your lips.

"hey, you woke me up," tyler says, his voice soft and playful and his eyes glimmer in the sun.

"i know, i was bored, and we wont be at cedar point for another two hours!" you exclaim softly, so not to disturb the other passengers on the bus.

"yeah, but, it's 7 in the morning, i wanna save my energy," tyler responds drowsily, he shuffles his feet around his small bag on the floor in front of him. you sigh and wriggle until you are lying on your side, and try to get as comfortable as you can on the fuzzy warn bus seat, then wrap your lithe arms around tyler's waist. he pulls you into a hug and you gaze up at him while he falls back to sleep.  nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck, you place a light kiss there and feel his breath falter a little and chuckle to yourself.

you peer around him to gaze out the window and take in all the passing scenery. old buildings fly by, small cars race around the large bus, and soon vast seas of golden corn blow in the wind. you are mesmerized by the way they sway in the wind, it is almost hypnotic, and you are shaken back into reality when tyler slowly sits up and stretches, his mouth agape as a cute bunny yawn escapes soft lips.

"good morning," he says, his voice gravely with sleep. "how long was i out for?"

you glance at your phone, not knowing how long you'd been staring out the window, and it read "8:43 am"

"about an hour and forty minutes," you whisper to him as you glance at the rollercoasters appearing in the distance. the bus jostles as it crosses on to the bride connecting the main land to the island that Cedar Point inhabits. "we're almost here ty," you whisper, picking up your bag you glance at him to see him smiling at you.


"nothing," he keep smiling

"really, what is it?"

"no truly, it's nothing."

"tyler, tell me," you growl at him and he rolls his eyes. "i'm just admiring you," he responds, his face turning a shade redder and he flits his eyes out the window. you sigh and kiss his cheek, starting to move in to kiss his plump little lips but he squeals before you get the chance. "ooh look! we're here, let's take our bag to the hotel and then go swimming and then the park will be opened and then we can get in line for the dragster and then-" you cut him off and place a sloppy kiss on his lips. you feel his lips curl in a smile as he kisses you back. you want to explore his lips more but the bus bounces over a bump at the end of the bridge and you realize you're in a public place. eyes glinting with excitement, you break away and stare at him, "I'm sorry did i do it again?" tyler says, face red with embarrassment as he glances around the bus, hoping people were still sleeping. "don't apologize, you're cute when you get excited ty."

"Cedar Point stop ahead,"  the bus driver says through a crackling intercom.

"wee!" you and tyler squeal in unison as you both grab your bags and wait for the bus to pull in the back lot by the hotel entrance. you basically fly out the doors as they open and book it to the hotel lobby. the tired clerk hands you and tyler your room keys and you race upstairs.

"okay it's 8:57, do still want to go swimming? the park opens at 10," you ask the boy with the fluffy brown hair who sits on the bed next to you. "naw," he replies, a hint of mischief in his big brown eyes. he grabs you and tackles you down, a cute stupid laugh escapes his perfect lips. you admire his muscles flexing under his tattooed skin-

"achoo!" you find yourself in the darkness of your room again. "darn it. it was just getting good."  your soft eyelashes flutter and you rub your nose and squeeze tyler's soft body again.

(a/n) here's chapter one! i basically know what i want to happen with this short little book, so yeah, be prepared, I'm in the process of writing another chapter. i know this wont get many reads, but it's whatever. enjoy (:


Lamb // Tyler Joseph x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora