Chapter 9: Calm Before The Storm

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We got to Yami's house a little early the next day. Mark wanted a little extra time to look over what we would be doing and help set up the lights and cameras.

"Is it really going to be that complex?"

"You have no idea! Not only is it hours of shooting, it's also tedious late night editing, setting up cameras and lights and green screens, getting costumes ready, making sure we have our lines down, it's a lot of work!"

"It's basically a movie."


"Can I help with anything?" Sophie squeaked from the backseat.

"You're doing more than help. You're going to be a part of it!"

"Really?! Awesome!" We pulled up to Yami's house, my stomach turning into knots. I've watched Yamimash for about as long as I've watched Mark and 8BitMassacre a little while after Yami. I've talked to all three guys and saw them as awesome eople I wanted to give a good impression to. So yeah, I might've been just a little nervous...

"Ready to get to work, ladies?"

"Yeah!" Sophie jumped out of the car and danced around a little while she waited for Mark and I to get out too. She skipped behind us as we walked up the door and knocked. A few seconds later a tall thin man with short sandy hair and trimmed up facial hair opened the door. He worse a dark robe and pajama bottoms with matching slippers to go with the comfy attire.

"Mark!" he exclaimed in a very british accent.

"Yami!" The two friends bro-hugged it out, having not seen each other in a long while. "So this is Lexi, my girlfriend I told you about."

"Hey, what's up Lexi!" He started to walk towards me, but stopped in his tracks. "Oh, uh, I'd hug you, but I don't wanna-"

"It's fine. Get over here!" I closed the gap and gave a small hug to Aaron. "It's great to finally meet you! Oh, and this is my friend Sophie."

"Yo Soph," he waved.

"Sup Yami?"

"So, are we gonna get to work or what?"

"Yes! Come on in guys. Kat is in the kitchen getting a few things ready." We walked through the small doorway and followed our new friend to the kitchen. A girl with red-pink hair stood over a blender, mixing different foods and items together in it. "Kat darling, would you come met my friends?"

"Your friends? So they can't be mine either?"

"Well of course they can be your friends if you'd like." She turned around and looked us up and down.

"Sure, Why not." She wiped her hands on a towel and extended her hand towards me first.

"Uh, Lexi."

"So you're Mark's girlfriend, huh?" Her english accent was thicker than Sohpie's but not as rich as Yami's. To be honest, she was really cute. "You're a lot prettier in real life."

"What? Oh, no, I'm not-"

"It's nice to see you Mark!"

"You too," he nodded. "Oh, this is Sophie. She's going to be in the video too."

"Another mouth to feed?"

"Sorry. I didn;t tell her everything."

"And why not? Do I have to make more of this gunk, then?" She gestured back towards the counter the blender filled almost to the rim with thick, dark red liquid.

"It looks like blood," Sophie whispered in my ear.

"It really does," I whispered back. "So Mark. You never told us what the video was going to be about."

Then *Poof* I'm Here: A Sequel #Wattys2014حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن