Chapter 6 - Excerpt

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Her face was still wet from crying as Meg began to feel sleepy. A white light surrounded her, so bright that she couldn't make out anything. She was aware of someone holding her hands, but the memory of who was fading fast as she became unconscious. They were traveling through the Fairy Realm and even though Meg had magical powers, she was not a fairy.

When Meg woke, she found herself curled up next to a large oak tree root. The air felt heavy and humid. Meg looked around and above, but all she could see were trees, tall trees. I'm home; Meg thought with a smile, I'm in the Beloved Forest.

She sat up and found herself surrounded by fairies, tiny forest fairies, and taller ones too. They were all beautiful, and Meg loved their various shades of blue, green, red, orange, and purples. Meg realized that she had been rudely staring at the fairies, and they were staring back.

Meg stood up, felt a little dizzy, and backed up against the large oak tree trunk for support. She cleared her throat.

"Hi, everybody, I'm Meg. I'm sorry for staring so much, but you are all very beautiful, such beautiful colors...," Meg smiled shyly.

"It's okay. We understand," Bing said, as he stepped forward from the crowd. "Do you remember me?"

Meg looked at the six-foot tall fairy. He was gorgeous with his lean but muscled torso, spiky brown hair with sun-bleached streaks of blonde, and his warm and friendly brown eyes.

He wore dark green leather britches and a vest, with fingerless gloves and elbow coverings. The hair had been shaved from his left arm, and a vibrant tattoo extended from the elbow up to his shoulder. Meg made a mental note to ask him about it later. A green sheath and sword hung on his right side, completing his attire.

"Yes, I do. Your name is Bing," Meg smiled. "You came to Blooming Isle to bring me back home to Century Isle." Meg's smile faltered, and a worry line appeared between her eyes.

"That's all I remember," she looked at Bing questioningly.

"A human automatically loses consciousness when they are flown through the Fairy Realm. You were already unconscious the first time we flew you to safety at Blooming Isle, so you didn't remember us."

A shiver ran through Meg as she remembered the trauma that had necessitated her removal from Century Isle. She was silent, as she thought about the attack on her village for so long that Bing became concerned.

"Meg, Meg, are you okay?" he asked.

At the sound of Bing's voice, Meg's thoughts scattered. She struggled to bring herself back to the here and now. Finally, she looked at Bing and smiled.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought."

A beautiful red-haired fairy dressed in a long, backless, dark orange dress flew over to Bing and Meg. Meg was astonished to see her gorgeous orange butterfly-like wings. They were the most colorful fairy wings Meg had seen.

"Hi, I'm Bipsey. Do you remember me?"

"Yes, I remember. You were one of the leaders of the Forest Fairies that came to escort me back to Century Isle. I must have been in more distress than I thought because I don't remember you being so beautiful."

Bipsey tossed her hair back from her face and fluttered her green eyes.

"If I remember correctly, I was wearing one of my dark brown dresses, so I wouldn't have stood out."

Meg continued to stare at Bipsey. When Bipsey had thrown her hair back from her face, Meg noticed her pointed elven-like ears were wrapped in a dark orange cloth that matched her dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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