Chapter 17 Is Trittany Real

Start from the beginning

"Maybe your not as close with her as you think." I don't say anything else because I don't want to cause a argument right before our first show. That would mess everything up.

"Ok, I'm hot." I say and get off from the lounge chair and step into the pool. "Yea Vic, you are hot." The boys tease. "Not like that!" I tell them laughing as I swim over to them as they join in on the laughing. Jordan and Shelby joined me in the water and we swam around and the boys, like their childish ways, raced each other in the pool.

After we all had our fun, it was time for rehearsal for tonight's show. When I was dried off but my hair was still wet, I walked up to my room, changed and called Brittany.

"Hi Vic" She says into the phone. "Hey Britt, Where are you? I texted you that  all of us were going to the pool." I explain. "Sorry, I was out." She tells me. "Out where?" I ask curious to know what exactly the two of them are doing. "Just out." She replies. "Ohh ok. Are you coming back anytime soon? We leave for rehearsal in a half an hour." I tell her. "Uh, Yea, We'll..I mean I will be back before rehearsal." She says and I know what the We'll meant.

"Hm Ok. Don't be to long. Tell Trevor he can't be late." I say and end the call. It's sad to me that she wants to spend all her time with him.

I finish getting ready and I tell everyone that I will call a uber for all of us. I come downstairs and see Brittany and Trevor to talking to some people.

"You two make a great couple!" They say to them in a Australia accent. "We're not dating." Both of them say at the same time. "Oh pitty. You two would make a great couple. Too bad you don't realize that." The lady said and walked away with the man.

"Why does everyone think that we're dating?" Brittany asks and I speak up.

"Maybe because you sneak away to private outings." "Yo." Trevor says probably oblivious to the tension between Brittany and I. "Yo yourself." I replied and walk past them.

The uber comes and almost everyone piled into it. The almost everyone is everyone except Brittany and Trevor. Surprise, surprise.

Jordan gets everyone to the stage and around ten minutes later the two missing cast members show up. We go through the routines and they look really good. Jason, the tour manager told us it was time to get ready while they set up the stage. I look out one of the windows upstairs and see kids already lined up to meet us. I immediately put all the tension behind me and focus on this show.

I do my makeup, hair and didn't change just yet because of the meet & greet. We all get escorted by security to an area where the meet & greets are. We could see the kids in fifteen minutes so I had some time to waste. I took a sip of my water, talked to Shelby, fixed my hair and was on my phone liking fan posts.

When the kids started to come in and took pictures, hugged us and gave us gifts. It was all super sweet and I absolutely love meeting the fans. Most of them went to Brittany since she wasn't on the last tour.

I sighed autographs and took selfies with almost every fan. The hour went by really fast and the next thing I knew we were getting ready to go on stage.

I am waiting in the wings with the girls while the boys are on the other side. I hear the song come on and watch Isaac and Trevor flip and tumble, Lamar and Isaiah come out next and Briar and Myles come out together holding hands. It was honestly so cute.

Jordan and Shelby do a little acro and the Brittany and I run out to join the group. We start dancing Trevor and Jordan's choreography and move in sync. It was about time for the mini solos/duets in the dance.

Shelby does a 15 second solo along with Jordan. Briar and Myles do a lift while Isaiah takes their place on stage. Brittany does a mini solo and Lamar and Trevor do some hip hop. Isaac and I finish with our own duet. We all get back together and take each others  hands. Isaac was on my right and Brittany on my left. We take a bow and hear the hundreds of fans cheering for us.

I love dancing in front of an audience. For some people, it's terrifying but for me, it's so natural and I could do this for the rest of my life.

Almost all the cast cleared off the stage for our trio. Brittany, Briar and I danced energetically and the boy's trio was up next. I watch them dance flawlessly while trying to catch my breath. Jordan did her solo amazing, like always and then Isaiah did his and it was so cool to watch all his intricate moves that he does. Trevor, Myles, Issac went on stage and talked to the audience and did a few tricks for them. I joined them along with Briar and Shelby. We laughed with the kids and  we, the girls did some acro in sync. The music started up again and Myles and Briar did their duet. Their duet is one of my favourite dancers on this tour. Shelby came on stage to dance her duet and I glanced over to see Brittany looking nervous and talking to herself.

"What's wrong Britt?" I question. "What if something happens on stage or I don't trust Trevor enough or-" "it will be fine Brittany." I reassure her. "Calm down." I add and she doesn't look any calmer. I notice that Shelby had finished her solo and all of the cast went out onto stage for a Q&A session. We got  some pretty normal and frequently asked questions. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Once the break was done and everyone left the stage again. While waiting in the wing of the stage, I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see it's Isaac. "Ready?" He asks in his deep voice. "Ready." I tell him with a smile and we run out onto the stage and we both dance our hardest. We received tons of screens and applause. I glanced at Isaac and he couldn't stop smiling. He took my hand and we bowed and ran off the stage for the next duet.

Trevor and Brittany started off slow but then as the music played they moved faster. It was a amazing duet, unlike any of the dances we did. You could see it was clearly a romantic one. I mean of course it was going to be romantic. They do portray Jiley, the most romantic and passionate couple in The Next Step. Their duet got a standing ovation and they had huge smiles on their faces.

The music played once again and we all joined in one last group dance together. As the show ended we took hands again and bowed and waved to the audience. We left the stage and I saw Jordan tearing up. I went over and hugged her and we talked about how amazing it was.

All of us changed and headed toward the van that we would take back to the hotel. We were lead by security out the doors and we heard even more screaming. I signed shirts,  posters, took selfies with the fans and talked to them. Most of the boys where giving the fans a high five and a selfie every 5 kids or so. I looked over at Brittany. She always enjoyed this part and interacting with the fans. This was natural to her and she looked so happy when she was doing this. I watched Brittany take a selfie and hug one of the fans, smiling hugely. I smiled myself seeing her back where she belongs.

Eventually, we all made it into the van and we drove away to the hotel. As soon as I opened my hotel door, I flopped onto the bed. Although I couldn't fall asleep. "Hey, I was thinking we could go explore together on our last day in New Castle." Brittany suggests. "Uh, Sure but I might have other plans." I reply not looking up from my phone. "Oh? What kind of other plans?" She asks curious. "Oh you know, the usual." I reply. "Well let me know if you want to go." She stated and i get a text from Jordan to come to her room. I get up to leave but Brittany asks where I am going.

"Jordan wants me to come to her room." I tell her and quickly leave. I walk down the corridor a few steps and knock on the room 209.

I hear voices and see Jordan open the door. "Hey, Your still up." She says sounding surprised. "Yea" I giggle tiredly. "Why did you want me to come over?" I ask.

"We just wanted to have a girls party." She explains. "Then why isn't Britt here?" I ask. "She said she was tired and the jet-lag was making her sick." Jordan answered. "Um, Someone should be in there with her." I state. "Oh that's true, Do you want one of us to go over?" "No thanks Jor, I can. Have fun." I say and go back to my room.

I open the door once more and walk into the small room. "Britt, I heard your sick." I say and she appears from the washroom. "Yea, I think dancing made it worse." She says with a giggle and grips the wall with her hand. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Yea, I just have a bad headache." She says with a fake smile. "Do you want me to get Trevor?" I ask and her face looks confused. "Why would I need Trev?" She asks. 'Maybe because you like hanging out with him more then your best friend!" I think in my head. "Oh no reason." I say as she makes her way to her bed. "Goodnight Vic." She tells me. "Night Britt." I tell her.

Wow this is really long. Let me know how you liked Victoria's POV because if you did, I might do other POVs instead of Brittany's or Trevor's. Oh and I changed my username again. Haha

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