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New fanfic :) it took me a while to make the cover kinda like how it came out
We were at a hotel me and Joel were room mates I was sleeping when joel woke me up

"Erick wake up! We have to eat breakfast today is a busy day" he was shaking me I hugged him

"I'm up" I let go and stretched

"Piggy back ride" I smiled and jumped on his back he carried me to the kitchen then he put me down

"Haha thanks joey" I winked at him

"No problem buddy" he smiled and messed up my hair then zabdiel came into the room

"Hey guys I took a picture of you two sleeping together and since when did this start?" He laughed Joel hid behind me

"Um since we became room mates which was a two weeks ago" I smiled nervously

"Why?" He asked in confusion

Then Joel stood next to me and grabbed my hand

"Cause I don't like sleeping alone" he looked at the floor

"Aw you guys are like a couple its cute" he smiled I crossed my arms

"I mean we cute but we not a couple and I'm not gay" me and Joel bursted out laughing

"Oh yea wait! I made you something be right back" he smiled at me and ran to the kitchen

*mins later*

Here erick I hope you like them he gave me pancakes I smiled

"Aw dude thank you Joel" I said while eating the pancakes

"No problem" He sat on the couch

"Hey erick hurry up and change we have to record our song" richard said crossing his arms

I finished eating the pancakes quickly

"Ok be right back" I was the only one who wasn't changed so I headed to my room and changed

Joel's Pov

*few mins later*

he was taking so long I decided to check on him I entered the room and saw him


"hey joel I'm almost ready" he smiled at me still putting his shirt on

I was blushing

"I'm sorry for not knocking" Avoiding eye contact

"Its ok now let's go" he grabbed my hand and we headed to the car

*at studio*

We all sang our parts then it came to ericks turn he started singing

"I'm in love with his voice and him but he will never feel the same for me"

I snapped out of my thoughts when erick said my name

"how did I do?" He smiled at me

"Great like always" I smiled back

That sounded kind of weird hehe.

"Thanks joey" he blushed a little I smirked but he didn't see good

we got back in the car and went back to the hotel it was night me and erick went to our room we both fell on our bed we were tired

"Good night joel" he kissed my forehead

"Ugh! Why does he always do this to me my heart"

"Good night erick" We cuddled and fell asleep

Joerick: Hurts So GoodWhere stories live. Discover now