Chapter 1:First Meeting

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  • Dedicated to Markael Darkheart Green

      "Princess!We're here!Honey,say hi to our new home!" Mom said it so enthusiastically after we arrived in our new house.

      "But mommy,you know I don't like moving from place to place..When I get friends,I have to leave them and live somewhere else." I told my mom the truth but she just gave me a reassuring smile.

     "Honey,don't worry.This time we're staying here for good!So you can make some friends you'll never have to leave!" Somehow,I started to believe her so I smiled back.

      Mom and I spent the whole day unpacking and doing other things. Before we knew it, it was already late.She told me to go to bed because I have school tomorrow so she kissed my forehead,tucked me in,told me "Good Night",turned off the lights and left me to sleep.

      The next morning,she dropped me off at a school.i hope it was as friendly as it looks like..The principal suddenlt stopped in front of a room in the kindergarten's building.

     "We're here." The principal said with as mile as he opened the door.

     "Welcome little girl.I'm so happy you could join us.Please introduce yourself to the class."That's what Ms.Sanchez,my teacher,said.

       I walked inside and saw a little boy looking at me and he smiled so I also smiled at him.

       I looked at everybody and saw some girls whispering as I heard their conversation.

       "Just look at her smiling at Kenji." the blonde one said.

      "Yeah.She's acting like some popular person. It disgusts me." the brunette said. 

      I was about to cry when the boy smiled and waved at me.Just his smile made me feel better.

      "My name is Princess.I just moved here and I'm hoping to be frieinds with all of you.."I said nervously and bowed.

      "Good job Princess.Now let's look for a seat.Hmm..Who would like to be Princess' seatmate?" The teacher asked the class kindly.

      The boy stood up,smiled at me and started waving his hands.

      "Teacher!Teacher!I want to be her seatmate!Pick me!I want to seat beside her!" The boy said happily.

      Ms. Sanchez smiled."Calm down Kenji.The decision is up to Princess." She then looked at me. "Is it okay Princess?"

     The boy then looked at me."Pretty please?Can you be my seatmate?Please say yes."He looked at me with those pleading eyes of a puppy.

     I looked at him then down at the floor."I..I guess it's okay.."

     The boy jumped up and down "Yay!" then he ran up to me and grabbed my hand "Come on!" He ran to the seat and pulled the chair for me."Sit here!"

     "Th-Thank..y-you.."I spoke shyly and bowed.

      "Well well Kenji! You seem so excited about this and you're even being a gentleman. Do you like her?" Ms. Sanchez said teasingly.

     We both blushed and Kenji smiled "Well,I finally got a seatmate and every girl deserves to be treated like a princess right?Especially since her name IS Princess!"he said as he sat down.

        The boy kept assisting me and before I realized it,class was over.The boy helped me organize my stuff. "Sorry for the late introduction.I'm Kenji.And don't let those girls bother you.Always remember that nobody can tell you things and bring you down except for yourself.You must not let people hurt you.And if you can't take it anymore,I'll always be here for you!If you're a princess,you'll need a saviour right?I can be your prince!Or better yet,I WILL be yourknight in shining armor!" He said while blushing and smiling."Promise me you will never forget."

       I smiled and replied "I promise Kenji.And I swear with all my life to never forget!" Since then we became best friends up until now.

Just that one phrase changed me an d just that one innocent smile kept me happy forever.

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