"Ok! can we resume positions please take scene 6!" the director called in his gruff sounding voice.

He watched as she untangled her way free from his arms to join Dominic on set. He noticed him look over and acknowledge the fact he was here with a sly grin but Johnny didn't respond just simply crossed his arms and leant back against the wall and out of everyone's way. He had been at the house all morning bored out of his mind with nothing to do but stay on the phone with his agent desperate to start finding work here in London rather then having to fly back off to his home in America to start working on a film over there. He had cancelled on a few film opportunities over in America as the contract would consist of him having to move back there for a year or so. Right now in his life Johnny didn't want that, he had a family to think about now and a baby that needed him.

So right now in his life he had to admit he was struggling. Finding work where his family lived was not so easy. He kind of hoped that 'Pinewood studios' would contact him just so he could work there on something. But still there were no English movies being made where he was wanted, not yet anyway.

"Action!" The directors loud call drew Johnny from his thoughts and instead he focused on the 'scene' in front of him. He found himself smiling proudly as he watch his wife act along side Dominic her beautiful smile and laugh brightening up her beautiful features as she moved into Dominic's arms. Wait.

Johnny froze suddenly as he watched that bastards hands travel down her arms before one hand reached up and lifted her lips to his. He watched Dominic, well 'Richard Burton' cover his lips around hers getting more and more heated by the minute and noticing now that their tongues were licking and exploring each others mouths. He knew they were just acting yet right now Johnny could feel his jaw clicking as he watched their lips dance together in front of the camera, only gulping nervously as he watched Helena lift her hand to the back of his neck and deepen it even more.


Letting out a long breath he hadn't realised he was holding Johnny watched them pull apart only noticing Dominic still holding her tightly to his body as if he wanted more. He could see him mumbling something by her ear and found himself narrowing his eyes as he watched Hellie giggle like a bloody school girl before she patted him off playfully. Anyone would have thought they were having an affair by the way they flirted, not that Johnny would ever blame her for such an awful thing. But something wasn't right about this, Dominic was being to handsy for his liking.

"If we can take that scene again please" the director called to his absolute horror. Another take! I cant watch this

Walking towards a door that had Helena's name laminated to it Johnny walked in her large dressing room and closed the door behind him. Maybe coming today wasn't such a good idea. He felt anxious and tense. 

For god sake she was only acting yet something inside him seemed to pain him like watching her act in that well, particular way was like her stabbing sharp pins into his heart. He knew he was being silly and getting all worked up for no real reason but Johnny just couldn't let Dominic do this, not again.

Sitting on one of the fold up chairs in her dressing room Johnny watched as the door swung open and in hurried Helena already taking some pins out of her hair. Spotting him sitting in the corner she smiled sweetly at him through her large mirror with a dozen bulbs surrounding the frame. "Everything alright babe?"

Tapping his fingers against his mouth as he leaned forward in the chair Johnny opened his mouth to speak only to close it again as he really didn't know how to respond. Noticing this Helena stopped faffing about with her hair grips and turned around to look at him.

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