Chapter 1

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Just a quick note, I got my new glasses today and Jess' glasses are no longer black square frames. They are brown and orange and circular. Ok. Bye bye!

It's been a nice two years since that incident. The FBI assumed that we were dead, fine by me. If you didn't know, Mark and I are werewolves. Huge shocker, right? Yeah, thought so.

"Jess, are you ready?" Mark called from downstairs.

"Yeah," I called out while running down the stairs in a pair of heels. "So where are we go-!" I asked before falling down the stairs. Mark luckily caught me and laughed.

"We're going to pick up Amy, Ethan, and Tyler and then go eat."


"You remember Tyler, don't you? He was with us in Cincinnati, the guy with the curly hair."

"Oh him! Tyler's legit," I said while running my hand through my bubblegum pink and light blue hair. The color is fading, so I'm probably going to dye it again. "Who's the other two?"

"Ethan is an editor who wants to work for me and Amy, uh, Amy is my girlfriend."

"You got a girlfriend and didn't tell me about her?! I'm so mad right now, Mark," I said while shooting him a dirty look.

"I'm sorry, okay. Besides, it's not like I told her about you," he said sarcastically.

"You did?! Yay!" I said while jumping up and down. "Let's go, don't want to be late," I said while handing Mark his car keys and running to the car. I popped into the backseat and waited for Mark to get in.

"God, you are so slow," I said.

"Can't rush perfection," he said while winking at me. I rolled my eyes and fastened my seatbelt and we drove to the airport.

"Where are they?" Mark mumbled under his breath. I stood on my tippy toes to see if I could find one person sticking out, and I did. I saw a person with electric blue hair.

"Mark, does Ethan have blue hair?" I asked while tugging on his sleeve.

"Yeah. Do you see him?"

I lead Mark to where I saw the electric blue hair and there was two other people with him. One of them was a very pretty woman with blonde hair and eyeliner that could stab someone. And the other was a man wearing a beanie, and under that beanie was a bunch of curly brown hair.

"Tyler! Hey Tyler! Over here!" I shouted while waving my hand in the air like an idiot. He looked over and saw me and I walked over.

"How are you doing?" I asked him while hugging him.

"I'm doing fine. I see you dyed your hair," he said while hugging me back.

"Yeah, too bad Mark dyed his back to black. I really enjoyed that red," I said while pulling away.

"Jess! Tyler! Come here!" I heard Mark yell. We made our way to him, laughing in the process at something funny.

"What's so funny?" Mark asked us.

"Nothing," I said. "Why do you need us?"

"Well I need you to meet the other two, duh," he said while giving off a small laugh. "Ethan this is my adopted daughter, Jessica," he said while putting Ethan in front of me. He looked very childish, which I didn't mind. He had big ears, which made him look cute.

"Hello Ethan, it's nice to meet you," I said while smiling at him. He smiled at me back.

"Nice to meet you too, Jessica. Mark has told me so much about you."

"He has?" I asked sarcastically which made Ethan laugh.

"Where's Amy?" I asked.

"Probably with Mark," he said while shrugging.

"I'm going to look for him. It was nice meeting you, Ethan," I said while running off. The airport wasn't very full, considering that we were in L.A. It didn't take me long to find the couple. They were standing in a corner, smiling while each holding a coffee cup. I smiled at them and then I turned around, but Mark happened to stop at me.

"Where are you going? You need to meet Amy," he said while grabbing my arm.

"That's right. I guess I forgot," I lied. The truth is that I didn't want to disturb them. They were happy and they need some alone time. Mark dragged me over to where they were standing earlier.

"Amy, I want you to meet my adopted daughter, Jessica."

I stared at Amy. She was extreamly pretty, so I can see why Mark wanted her. By the way she looks, she has a great personality too.

"Hi, Jessica. Mark has told me so much about you," she said while smiling. "I love your hair."

"Thanks. I love your eyeliner. It looks like you can stab someone with it," I said while smiling. She laughed.

"Nobody has ever told me that. Thank you."

"Where's Tyler and Ethan?" Mark asked.

"I, uh, I left them. I went to look for you."

"I don't mean to sound rude but, that was stupid," Mark said while poking my arm.

"Want to tell me something I don't know?" I asked.

"That-that, I got nothing," he said with disappointment.

"Ha ha! I am victorious!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your victory, but we should find Tyler and Ethan," Any said.

"No need to apologize, Amy. Besides you're right, I kinda don't trust Ethan being alone with Tyler."

We headed towards the area where I left Tyler and Ethan. Surprisingly they were still there, waiting patiently.

"Come on guys! Let's go eat!" Mark yelled as we all made our way out of the airport.

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