The trip

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--" I know that look." Cleden said " what are you planning?" He knew that look any where. Zoe always looked that way when she had an idea. And it usually wasn't a good thing.

-- " you'll find out" she said with the smirk that told him every thing. He could read Zoe like a book these days. " give me your keys I want to drive your motercycle"

-- " alright" he said giving in to her plan. He knew this wouldn't end well but he was in for the ride. He got his keys from his night stand and tossed them to her but Zoe being the clumsy person she was didn't catch them. They went right through her arms and hit her face and fell to the floor

--" I'm ok" she said and reached for the keys off the ground. They both had a good laugh at that and after a few minutes of them both giggling and snorting from laughter they finally went outside to start putting Zoe's plan into action.

--" since I'm driving, I get to wear the big helmet and you can wear the extra" Zoe claimed pointing to herself with pride. She had driven his motorcycle a few times before and love the thrill she got from it. She got to feel the wind in her hair and what was better than having Cleden wrap his arms around her waist she thought.

-- " I got that extra helmet just for you ya know?" Cleden told her " and you don't even want to wear it. How rude.... hmp" Zoe just laughed at that. And tossed him the extra helmet saying that his was cooler and therefore only a cool person like her could wear it. They both snapped on their helmets and climbed on Cleden's motercycle. Zoe love being that close to Cleden. She felt safe, loved, and protected. Like with him she could conquer the world. With him she could do anything. And that's exactly what she wanted in life. That would be her perfect fairy tale ending and that's what she had always wished for, ever since she was a kid.

Ever since she left Geoffrey she just felt free. Like with all of that weight lifted off her shoulders she could finally fly. She could finally fly away to her true love like a bird set free from it's cage. 'That's what Geoffrey was' she thought 'just a cage, an obstacle in my path of life' she had wanted to get past it the whole year that they were dating. He was too clingy and he loved her so much. A love that she simply couldn't return and she knew that she would never be able to which is why she finally left. She left her cage and her owner, the only thing she had ever known for a whole year. But she knew exactly where to fly. To her love bird that would visit her at her cage. She had fallen in love with Cleden just like every other guy that she loved, just like Geoffrey, but this time it was different. She could feel that she had a future with him and she was pretty sure that he had felt the same way. They hadn't done anything more then friends would do. They hadn't even kissed yet,  it Zoe was hoping that would happen soon. She had never asked him what he thought of her or their relationship but she would soon. She had to. She was thinking about all of this and how to ask him when she started thinking about their future again. Her and Cleden were both 24 and would soon be 25. She had to start thinking about her future and how-

--" Zoe stop" Cleden yelled

Zoe came to a stop on the motercycle not even noticing that she had been riding it.  She looked around confused and looking for the reason Cleden told her to stop when something caught her eyes. Some all too familiar green eyes.

--" it's the black cat from earlier" she said turning to Cleden. " this is the second time it has ran out infront of me while I was driving. You see, it's really stupid and will end up getting itself ran over."

--" nope, I think you may just be a bad driver" Cleden told Zoe earning himself a punch to the arm from her. " I deserved that. What were you thinking about, you seemed really distracted and you didn't see that cat."

--" a lot has happened today, I'll tell you about it later I don't want to think about it now. And... I was thinking about us" she said slightly blushing but Cleden couldn't see it from the helmet she wore. " and ... our future together" she admitted.

-- " awe" he said slightly blushing too " that's cute. But we got to get going it's getting late."

Zoe realized that it was starting to get dark out and she could start to see the stars sparkling in the night. So she started driving still looking at the stars that she love. Cleden was admiring her from behind. She would always look to the sky when something was troubling her and when she was thinking about stuff. He loved it when she did that. She was off in her own world and Cleden got to enjoy watching her look all around as if she was on a new planet. He love those small things that she did and thought that it was the most adorable thing. And she never noticed that she did it and Cleden noticed all of the small things she did and just watched them happen and looked after her while getting to catch a few small glimpses of the small things that only he knew about Zoe. And he loved that.

After a while pulled into their destination.

' time to put my start my plan' Zoe thought.

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