Pain (Mini Story Arch)

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"Bye guys!" Finn said while closing the door. Gaten, Noah, Caleb and him has just watched Trainspotting. It was one of Finn's favorites.

He closed door, trembling a bit because of the weather. It was one of the most cold winters he had ever lived.

The TV was on so he switched to the weather channel. "Record low temperatures are approaching tonight along with a snow storm coming from South Carolina-" Finn turned it off. 

It was 6:48. It was already really dark and the wind was howling. He went to kitchen and made himself a cup of tea. A habit he inherited from Millie. They were really close, they talked for hours on set and off set, they ate together, they traveled together, it was a great friendship.

There was one problem. Finn had a crush on her.

It started when they were filming Season 2. Finn was talking to Sadie, who had also become great friends with. Millie wasn't there yet, Eleven wasn't back yet. Sadie asked him if he missed her, he said yes. Then she asked if he liked, just to mess with him, unawarely he said yes. Sadie freaked out, then Finn realized what he had just said and made Sadie promise she would keep it a secret.

The problem wasn't the crush itself, it was the fact that he decided not to tell her. "It'll pass", he said at the time. Now he's not so sure.

He tried to clear his mind off Millie. He tried Instagram, but there were to many montages and stories about them. He tried Twitter. Nope. Finally he decided to turn the TV on.

Couple of hours had passed. Finn fell asleep with the TV on. His phone vibrates and wakes him up. The house is dark except for the TV and a couple of lamps. The wind is stronger than before and the windows are covered in snow.

He grabs his phone to check the time. 10:34. It's late and there isn't anyone here. He opens up WhatsApp to text his brother, he's got a message of him.

"Hey, me and mom are gonna get there a little late, the traffic is terrible."

Received at 8:36

That's odd. Finn didn't give it much thought. He grabbed the TV controller again and began changing channels.

"Kids were slaught-" he changed it. "A car accident in the Nor-" he changed it. "Tonight on Lat-" he changed back to the car accident.

"The cause of the accident appears to be a truck. Reportedly the truck's brakes didn't work, which caused it to drift to the other lane and off the road taking a car in front of him. The car in question, a 2017 Ford, was crushed by the truck and..." the sound faded away. Finn felt dizzy. That's his mothers car. "The car belonged to Rachel Wolfhard..." Finn collapsed unto the floor. He didn't cry. He just stayed there, motionless. "...other passenger was Nick Wolfhard..." Finn started hyperventilating, " ...both were tragically killed in the accident..." Finn started crying. He grabbed the TV remote and trowels it against the TV. Breaking it. He continued sobbing until he fell asleep.

The Next Morning

Millie skipped happily through the set. Today was a special day, she and Finn had a kissing scene. She never admitted it to anyone, but she had a major crush on Finn. Practically since day one.

She didn't hate the first kiss, she just wanted to make it less awkward. Although on retrospective, that wasn't the best way to do it.

She quickly brushed that thought. Today was a new day. A new kiss. She was so excited. All she could think of was Finn and how she would tell him she liked him.

She thought about doing it after the take. Maybe in the dressing rooms, because she insisted they share one. "It's going to be super romantic", she thought.

She entered a really big building and started skipping through the corridors. Smiling at everybody. Everybody smiled back.

She finally reached Mike's basement. The Duffers and the cast were watching  the news on a computer. They were silent. Like, sad silent. "Hi, guys!" Millie said, "What's going on?" Gaten grabbed her by the arm and pulled right into the center in front of the computer.

Millie was horrified. She gasped and covered her mouth. A single tear running down her face. "Last night at 9:46 Stranger Things' Finn Wolfhard's mother and brother were killed in a car accident."

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