3 Hours Before the Accident

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"Keep running Zeke. Maybe next time you'll think about showing up on time!" Coach called from the metal bench he was lounging on.

I drew in a wheezy breath as I pushed myself into another lap. My whole body felt like it had been set aflame. My lungs burned with every breath I pulled in. From my chest ll the way down to my toes burned for the sweet relief. I wonder if this is how people felt when they where on fire. Just a few more to go.

"Okay Zeke you can stop now." Oh thank God. I slowed to a casual walk, raising my hands on top of my head, gulping in the cool spring air. I approached the metal bench Coach was sitting on when the jello that was once called my legs, gave out from underneath me. I stumbled onto the turf field plopping onto my ass in ungraceful fashion.

"Tired?" Coach's hearty laugh created a hard echo off the empty concrete bleachers. Tired? Does running almost thirty five laps none stop count as tired? If the earth opened up right now and swallowed me whole I would be okay with it.

"Well next time you're going to be late. Don't have Menlo lie for you. You know that boy can't lie to save his life." Coach stood over my deflated body. At this angle I defiantly wish he wasn't wearing the loose basket ball shorts that he seems to live in.

"Uh." With a heavy grunt I pulled myself into a sitting position and rested my head into my hands.

"You'll be okay." He let his heavy hand fall onto my shoulder, my shoulder sagging under it's weight. "Go get your self cleaned up and I'll see you tomorrow, on time." He gave what I guess was a chuckle and helped pull me too my feet.

"Yes sir." I mumbled as I trudge toward the empty locker room. Thank God it was right off too the side of the field and not up on that awful hill that loomed behind the stadium. I don' think I would have made it out alive.


I let the droplets of water run of the tips of my hair as I pulled my my t-shirt over my head. My body ached in places that I could never imagine aching, and it felt like someone just punched my repeatedly in the chest, but something about a cold shower, really makes them feel a little less shitty.

I finished tying my shoe, adjusting myself as I stood. I yanked my gym bag off the dirty flood and swung it over my shoulder. I scrunched up my nose at the slight sour smell coming from my bag. Just another reminder to burn the whole thing once the season was over.

I quickly made my way toward my car, a few stragglers milling about the parking lot. Probably a bunch a detention student not ready to go home yet. Honestly something I can defiantly relate to. I press the button on my keys, my dented truck only opening a quarter of the way. I let the bag fall of my shoulder and into the truck, letting it slam behind me as I made my way toward the front.

I jammed the key into the ignition praying that the car started on the first try. After a few clicks the old car finally coughed it's way into life.Quickly reaching behind me I grabbed my cell phone from my open bag and tucked into the cup holder beside me. I switched the gear shift into drive and eased on the gas, the car making unhealthy noises as we slinked our way through the almost empty parking lot.

As I waited to turn out of the parking lot, I unlocked my phone scrolling through the message I missed while I was stuck running through hell. none of the message really caught my eye expect one from Ashley.

I clicked on the message as I turned onto the road. I scanned over the message, letting my eyes dart between the phone and the road. Smiling at her explanation of why Hippos sweat red, I lightly stepped on the brakes as I neared the red light.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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