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Jacob walked slowly through the school doors, he bumped into someone." Yo watch it you hear me?" he snapped and noticed it was Rosalie; she looked at him as he just looked at her. "Oh well than you should try watching your step as well mister. I dont know why your getting tough for; be glad I dont deck you right now" she said harshly and walked away, he walked to his class and sat in his seat. Girls were looking at him, a girl walked up to him and sat on his table. "Hey, laura is my name. You're Jacob?" she said, he nodded looking at her; she smiled as he stretched out his arms making his chest visible through his white thermal shirt.

"So you liking the school?" Laura asked, he shrugged. "Why are you talking to me?" he asked looking at her as he put his arms down. "you're new and I wanted to talk to you" Laura said, he laughed and looked up at her. He looked at her black hair and black eyes.

"No you want me to like you; ask you out on a date, then on the date you want me to kiss you. So you can be girlfriend. Laura, I dont know you" he said, she looked at him. "I cant at least think"

"You mean dream, sure you can if it involves me probably not" he said, she sighed. He got up and she looked at his black skinny jeans which fit him perfectly. He looked at her as she looked up at him, he felt bad for her. "Okay, look. How about at lunch I sit with you. We can talk and what not" he said, she nodded; he gave her a hug with his arms around her neck. He backed away and walked out the class. The teacher still didnt show up, he laughed when he saw Laura looking at him. He motioned her to come and she slowly walked to him. He grabbed her hands as she stood infront of him.

"Why did you call me?" she asked, he shrugged. "Oh, I just realized yesterday my teacher gave me a ton of homework. I have to do it today or I'll get a zero; sorry but at lunch I'll be at the library." he said acting like if he was devestated. She sighed as he pulled her into a hug. Rosalie walked past them looking at him, he didnt look at her though. "How about I'll do it for you?" Laura cheered, he sighed. "No, you dont need to." he said.

"No come on. I really want to" she said, he sighed. "Okay, what ever" he said and walked inside she followed after him happy. He walked to his seat and slowly sat down; Rosalie looked at him as she bit her lip.

"New friend huh?" she said looking at Laura drule over him; he laughed. "Yeah, she wanted to do my homework. So I let her" He said, she looked at him and laughed. "Or did you act sad so she can feel bad and do your homework" Rosalie smiled. "What's the difference?" he said and they shared a laugh.

Laura looked at them laugh; she sat up straight. Rosalie looked at Jacob as he talked. "No but I'm not a bad person. I just drink and drive" Jacob said, she chuckled as he looked around.

"I've been drinkng since I was 10 years old" he said, her eyes popped out. "No really?" she said, he nodded; she sighed.

"I've gotten drunk only once." she said, he looked at her. They stood silent because everyone became silent. He moved his chair closer to Rosalie and he put his hand on the table. "Nice necklace" he said looking at it, she turned to him. "I dont know if I should like thank you or be wierded out that you were looking at my women parts" she said, he chuckled.

"Well, you can thank me that someone is paying attention to that" he said, they laughed. Jacob went to whisper in her ear making his hand land on her lap. "I really dont think I like Laura" he whispered, she looked at him as he backed away.

"Well, who can blame you? She's a psycho" Rosalie whispered, he looked at Laura an saw her staring. "Hi" she said, he waved.

"I'm spending lunch with her, please come with me" he said looking at Rosalie as his hands ran up her thigh, she grabbed his hand. "Alright" she said quickly and he took back his hand. The teacher came and Rosalie threw a paper ball at him. He opened it up.


It read, he looked at her laugh and Jacob looke at her; he threw it away. "Sorry, I'm late. My wife is pregnant and I had to help around the house a little" he said, Jacob and Rosalie began to laugh.

"But you're like 50 something having a baby" Rosalie said, in made a roar of laughter flood the class. The teacher sighed and began to teach class, Laura always looked back and saw Jacob and Rosalie talking and smiling.

At lunch, Jacob sat down with Laura and they talked a little and she ate lunch. Then Rosalie came after twenty minutes. He looked at her and went to her ear. "What took you so long?" he whispered. "Sorry was caught up with Jasmine" she whispered, he turned to Laura. "Hey, Rosalie" Laura said, he looked at Rosalie get up. "Give me a minute" he said and went over to Rosalie; he grabbed her hand and walked out the cafeteria. He looked at her and smiled.

"What's wrong?" he said, she shook her head. "You said be there with you. I was for 5 seconds; I dont like her honestly" Rosalie said, he walked a little bit closer to her. "Please stay with me there's only ten minutes left." he pleaded holding both of her hands.

"Jacob, I met you yesterday; stop with the flirting" she said, he laughed swinging his head back. She looked at him and saw Jasmine walking down the hall. "I can tell we will be best friends" he laughed putting his lips agaist her ear. She laughed and Laura looked from the cafeteria door; she became sad. "Rosalie, and someone. Dont know who" Jasmine said walking up to them.

"Jacob" he said, they saw Laura come out the cafeteria. "Uhm...this isnt going to work out" she said and walked away. Jasmine looked at her in a wierd way. "Crazy" she said and looked at Jacob and Rosalie.

"Soooo..." she said looking at them; they shook their heads. "NO, this is my bestfriend" Rosalie said, Jasmine shrugged and walked away.

"Goodbye I'll see you later." Jacob said walking away, she waved goodbye and walked the opposite way.

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