I wake up looking at the clock like someone died.

"Im late for school fuck!" I quickly put on my school uniform that feels like im wearing sand paper and straightened my hair no make-up because im mostly a tomboy at all times and head out the door only to be met with my best friend Maria.

We've known eachother for the past 10 years, so since we were 1 my mom and hers have been friends because my mom was picking me up from daycare and bumped into Maria's mom.

My mother was in a rush because she knew if she was late my dad would beat the shit out of her.

After that they've just became besties and me and Maria were unseprateable.

"Ive been waiting at your door for the last 15 minutes I honestly thought you died or something" says Maria handing me a cup of starbucks.

Yes my favorite chocolate coffee (yes they make those) "I went to sleep late and overslept im not dead" I said as I graved the coffee and smirked at her.

As I enterned the door to the school Ashley and her two little minions were walking  towards me and Maria.

Damn why does it look like Ashly has been standing on a street corner going to cars to ask for sex.

"Hey skeleton and fatso" Ashly calls me skeleton because im not exacly what you call curvy.

Im skinny because my dads a crackhead who makes 200 every two weeks selling crack so I don't really have food at my house.

"What do you want Ashly im pretty sure the slut factory is on the other coner of the school" Maria said as I tried to hold back a chuckle.

Author's note
Sorry its not alot but its 3 am were I live and im just tired asf.

My Teacher - Prince Royce Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt