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We all may know what cyber bullying is but in  case according to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary it means : the activity of using messages on social networking sites, emails, text messages, etc. to frighten or upset somebody.

Have you ever watched a YouTube video of a random YouTuber and when you read the comments all there is, are hateful, insulting and string of unnecessary curse words?  Have you ever found yourself wanting to also comment and say something hurtful as well or do you find yourself pitying the poor soul who all the hate is directed to?

I remember one of my friends showing me a video of a famous YouTuber when they were starting out a few years back. I wasn't able to hear the video until later in the day.  However we read some of the comments and some were totally hilarious to very degrading and downright low. You also had the random commenter throwing curse words that were totally unnecessary.

When I got the chance to the video I did and found that the comments were totally untrue and just plain mean. It was then I realized how awful this world can be or better yet the people in it.

I'm pretty sure that a majority of the persons who were commenting were just following the previously mean commenters.

Do not follow the crowd especially the negative ones because they are the same ones who will bring you down and ridicule you.

So the challenge for you now is to go on one of these YouTube accounts and make a positive comment among the throng of negatives. These positive comments should come from the heart and should be honest and not made up.

Don't restrict the challenge to just YouTube but also any social media where you notice persons leaving hate comments. If users respond to your comment leaving don't respond with hate but kind words.

Be the light in the darkness, be different and be bold for change.

Quote for the day

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In case the picture does not show. "You will never reach higher ground if you are always pushing others down."  - Jeffrey Benjamin

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