Chapter 3 (Part 2) - Grandpa

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Sorry for not having posteddd. I have test week coming up :/


-Day of The Funeral-

Carrie's POV

 I ran a hand through my limp hair and stared at the elevator wall as i descended in the elevator for grandpa's funeral. I looked around the house that was now mine. 

 The funeral was a long, boring, draggy event. I didnt get why people said "I'm sorry," like dude, i never said it was your fault. I also never got why people cried at funerals. If you really were close to the person, you would have cried your heart out before the funeral, drained yourself of all energy. My head was throbbing from all the crying and my throat felt all closed up. I didnt utter a single word for the whole two hours of the funeral. Once the ceremony was over, i hurried home to my room and flopped down on the bed. My heart hurt, my head hurt, my legs hurt. It hurt all over. I was sore because i had stopped my dancing all of a sudden.

I changed into my ballet clothes and headed to one of the rehearsal halls in the basement. I let the music wash over me, creating a new routine. The music sank into me and i felt at peace. This was the only thing i found peace in.

I finished with a split, sliding over the floor and stayed in the position for some time before i noticed two people standing in the doorway. It was Kendall and El.

"Kenny! El!" i screamed and attacked them in hugs.

"When did you guys come!" i asked.

"It's been like five minutes. And you didn't bother telling us anything. Just rushed here without a word." Kendall said. 

"Yeah, but i was busy. I had so much on my mind and so many things to take care of. Finally, everything with the lawyers, the will and the court is cleared up. Grandpa left me everything. He left some money to Jake, but mostly me." I said, trailing of at the end.

"And that's been bothering you." Eleanor finished. "Come on, Carrie. You need to move on. You can't just sulk forever. Nothing's gonna wait." I sighed, but i knew she was right.

"You're right, you know what, let's go. I have to look around for some furniture to rennovate a bit of this place. Not the whole thing. Hopefully it'll only take a week or so, however. I need to get ready, then. Shoo!"  I said. 

I took a long shower in the jacuzzi, and when i got out, i felt like pampering myself a tiny bit. So i ironed my hair, applied cocoa moisturizer all over my body, gave myself a french manicure thing and then changed into a pair of black leggings and a peach blouse. Once done with my makeup, i slipped my feet into my black wedges and grabbed my Chanel one-shoulder bag. I reached downstairs where Kendall and Eleanour were eating to pass time. I grabbed a plate with two slices of french toast on it and we were good to go.

"Hey, Carrie, we need to go pick up Louis people from the airport first, if that's fine with you. They're just coming from Chesire. And they'll be coming with us. Gemma's coming back to London too." El said. 

"Oh, that's fine by me. I can't wait for Gem to come back. She lives in London too! You'll love her, Kenny!" i said. 

I grabbed the shotgun seat of the Fisker Karma i just got and folded the sleeves of my blouse to a little below my elbows before i ate. It took us some time to get there, to get everywhere actually, because i lived in a pretty remote area. We waited in the suitcase collecting area for the flight to land. A little while later, five familiar guys walked in looking tousled, and like eight suitcases came onto the rack. I greeted them all and was hugging Zayn when i saw El and Louis making out. I make a gagging noise and Zayn pulled back.

"I don't smell that bad, do I?" he asked and i blushed.

"No, it's Louis and El that make me wanna puke," I said, pointing to them. Zayn wrapped an arm around my waist, giving me goosebumps as we laughed. 

I saw Gemma then only too. 

"GEMS!" i screamed at the top of my lungs and ran at her. I hugged her tight and she stumbled a little bit. 

"CARRIE!" She screamed back. "I missed you!" 

"I missed you too!" i laughed. 

"Forgot me?" a deep voice said. 

"No, i left you out on purpose," i said in a 'duh' tone. 

"I'm joking brotha! Breathe a bit!" I said and side-hugged him awkwardly.


"Do you like this colour? Or will that one suit the tiles better?" i asked Zayn, frowning. He scratched his head and after a moment, shrugged. I groaned. 

"God. Screw this. I'm going home." i turned around and walked away. I was out the shop when i felt a hand wrap around my waist. I assumed it was Zayn and turned to look at him. But what i saw was most certainly not Zayn. It was a man in his late thirties. I screamed my lungs out and Zayn came running from behind me. The man turned and had his hand clamped over my face and he was dragging me. I bit his hand, hard and kicked my foot back, kicking his down there. He yelled in agony and i stumbled free.

Not waiting for a milisecond, I began to run. I ran till i reached Zayn when i stopped. I saw the man running after me angrily and freaking out, i grabbed Zayn's hand and ran again. We ran for a good five minutes and then stopped out of breath. But it began to rain. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" i groaned as my clothes got soaked. I turned around to look for Zayn but he wasnt there. We were in a kind of dark, dingy alley and i had no clue where i was, but now i was alone, so it was worse. 

"Zayn?" i asked, turning around where i saw the tiniest flash of movement. "This isn't funny," i said pushing my heavy wet hair back from my face and pressing my back to the wall so that nothing could attack me from the back. 

And suddenly he was there, right in fron of me.

And by that i mean right in front of me. 

Like right, right in front of me. 

Like an inch away from my face. His eyes were closed. He opened them and i screamed. There was nothing there but black sockets, dripping with blood...



It's been sooo long. 

Love youuxxxxx


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