Chapter 8 - Runs In The Family

Start from the beginning

"That's been our experience." (Y/N) states.

"Plus, there was that cool constellation thing." He mutters and Nate nods. "Yeah, it was cool."

Keeping on going, they stop to overlook the sea. Noticing the crosses and even in his bad mood of it not being easy, Sam can't help but be shocked. "Hmph. Pretty spectacular."

"Right under that high cross... That's where Avery wants us." (Y/N) says and Sam sighs. "Well.... what Avery wants, Avery gets."

"Kid? What's your status?" Sully's gruff voice comes through the radio and Nate pulls it out from his pocket, twisting the top for signal. "Hey, Sully. We're on the trail, but the treasure's closer to the to the cathedral than we originally thought."

"Oh, boy. So what do you need me to do?" Sully asks.

"Well, just keep those engines warm. We'll be back before too long."

"You got it. Keep me posted."

"Will do." Nate promises, turning it off and stuffing it back in his pocket.


Nate crouches under the broken ladder. "Come on, (Y/N). I'll boost you up." She nods and puts her foot in his hand and he pushes. Doing the same to Sam, the pair look down at him. "Ah, hell. We're too high to reach you." Sam informs him and (Y/N) goes across the gap.

"Let's see what's over by the wooden structure." She suggests.

"Hey! Found something!" Sam yells, the two picking up a wooden pole. "Christ, this is heavy..." (Y/N) strains.

"What exactly are you guys doing?" Nate asks, confusion in his face.

"Giving you..." Sam starts, sliding the pole in place of the structure"... A way up." (Y/N) finishes, smiling.

"That'll support even your weight." His brother jokes as Nate hooks onto it. "Ah. Thank you." He replies, sarcastically, climbing up.

"Hey, you don't think the monks built this?" Sam asks and (Y/N) shakes her head. "No way. It's some kind of pulley system."

"To lift a whole bunch of treasure?"

"To lift something... I can't believe I missed this." Nate mutters, joining the pair at the top.

"Well, clearly we were meant to find it together." Sam gushes and the three laugh. "Ah, so romantic." (Y/N) swoons and he chuckles.

The trio continue on and after a few slides, jump across to the cliff, which breaks when Nate does it.

"Nate?" (Y/N) shouts, letting Sam help her up and they look over the edge. "I'm down here. The - uh - cliff thing... broke." He replies and his wife rolls her eyes, not surprised.

"Gotta say., you have a real knack for breaking things. Especially cliffs." Sam says and Nate groans. "Tell me about it." He mutters, climbing the ladder and the two ready themselves to grab him, but it breaks.

"You okay?" (Y/N) asks, standing up again.

"Yeah..." He sighs and Sam shakes his head. "Like I was just saying..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...." Nate mutters and Sam goes ahead, crossing the bridge as it creaks underneath him.

"All right, hold on. I'll see if there is another -" (Y/N) stops once the bridge breaks underneath her and she jumps. "(Y/N)!" Sam shouts, grabbing her and hauling her next to him.

"I guess it runs in the family, huh?" Nate shouts and the two laugh. "Maybe so." She responds.

The three begin to climb up and Sam and (Y/N) reaches the top. The eldest lies on his stomach, reaching for Nate, who grabs his hand. "Where would you be without me, huh?"

"Uh, probably at home... Drinking hot cocoa." Nate replies and he pulls a face. "What are you, five?" Sam asks.

"Oh, tell me you wouldn't go for some hot cocoa right now." Nate argues and he pauses, sighing in defeat. "Well, I mean... Yeah."

Taking out the next patrol, they make their way into a small cave. "Hey, careful... Might be unstable after the blast." Nate warns.

"Who does excavation with dynamite?" Sam asks and (Y/N) raises an eyebrow. "Mercenaries. Think Rafe would know better, though." She hums and Nate takes hold of a wooden crate. "Hey, Sam, help me with this." He instructs.

"Wait! What if it's the only thing holding the tunnel up?" Sam questions, stopping him from lifting it and Nate clicks his tongue. "Then I'll apologize."

Sam sighs, but helps him lift it up anyway and (Y/N) makes her way under, followed by them both. Out the other side, Nate smiles. "There, see? No problem."

"Yeah, for once." (Y/N) whispers.

Crossing the wooden planks above old pirate ships, they make their way up the steps and Nate pulls out the radio: "We're just heading into the cave."

"Cave?" Sully repeats, confused.

"Yeah, might loose contact for a bit. Don't get too worried." Nate explains.

"All right. I'll keep the porch light on for ya." He promises.

"All right. Call you soon." He promises, putting the radio back into his pocket and Sam laughs, stopping outside the cave entrance. "We made it. It's quite the detour."

"Those Shoreline assholes were right next to this cave." (Y/N) says, scoffing and Nate rubs a hand on her arm. "Yeah, but I think we're the first ones in here."

Going in, they come across stairs and Sam points. "Creepy St Dismas statues. Check."

"Carved stairs. Check." Nate adds.

"Boys, I think it's safe to say we're in a pirate cave." (Y/N) concludes, clapping them both on their backs and they laugh.

"Oh, is that a door?" Sam asks, stopping and she nods. "Sure looks like it."

"Check this out." Nate says, placing his hand by a hole. Taking a chance, he sticks his hand in and grimaces. "A little slimy. There's a handle in here or something."

"Well, uh... Give it a - give it a pull." Sam tells him, looking around as his brother stares at him like he's insane. "What? It could be a trap."

"You're already in there, what's the worst that could happen?" (Y/N) shrugs and he looks at her with the same expression. "Uh, I lose my hand?"

"So, we'll get you a nice hook." Sam says, deadly serious and he sighs. "Give it a pull, Nate."

"Nice hook." He whispers to himself and pulls the handle with his eyes closed. He opens them at the sound of the door rolling open and chuckles, wiping his hand on Sam's jacket, who shakes his head. "Really?" He asks, following his brother into the room.

"Pretty interesting decor." (Y/N) states and Sam whistles at it, watching Nate walk up to a sign, pointing his flashlight at it to get a better read: "For those who prove worthy, paradise awaits. For those who prove false, behold your grim fate."

"Yeah, well, I guess Avery was a better pirate than a poet." Sam mutters and (Y/N) shakes her head. "This isn't Avery's." She realises and he frowns. "What do you mean?"

"Look." She points and he squints his eyes, opening them in realisation. "It's the Rhode Island pirate."

"Thomas Tew?" Nate questions and his wife nods. 

"Yeah. But it can't be him. I mean, this is clearly his sigil, but... Tew died attacking the same treasure fleet as Avery." Sam states and Nate tuts. "Yeah, well at least that's what the stories tell us." He counters.

"If this really is Tew's mark... Then that means he's involved with all this... How?" Sam asks.

"I guess we'll find out."

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