Mine (Chapter 8)

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Haru's POV.

I walked into Shins club. I saw a girl staring in the middle of the room reading a book, alone. "Hey!" I yelled at her.

She jumped and fell down on her butt. She looked up and blushed. "Y-ye-s?" She stuttered out, her face was bright red.

"You know Shin right?" She looked at me, confused. "Y-y-y....es." She stuttered out again. Annoying..

"Do you know who likes him?" I asked.

"Yes? Well, Budo, Taro, this scary creepy green haired delinquent, Ayano? I think, Mari, and me." She sighed.

"Well that makes my job a whole lot easier."

"What?" She said. I pulled out a knife and smiled.

"Sorry but Shins mine, I can't have any threats." I said. I grabbed her hair and stabbed her in the head multiple times. I watched as her lifeless body fell to the ground. I slung her over my shoulder and walked out of the club.

It was class, so no one will be out. I walked down the hall and went to the dumpster. I saw so girls and boys, they looked like delinquents.

I put Oka's small body in a trash-bag. Then I walked back out. I walked past the delinquents as they looked at me suspiciously. I threw her body in the incinerator. And turned it on. I watched as it burnt. I laughed. I walked back out as it finished and turned to one of the guy delinquents.

"Hey isn't there a green haired friend of yours?" I asked. "Yeah why are you wondering, fag." A delinquent said to me.
"Well, tell me little bitch?" I said with a smirk. He was annoying with his spiky pompadour.
"Bitch? DID YOU JUST CALLED ME A FUCKING BITCH!?" He screamed trying to intimidate me. I smiled. "Yes i did. What are you gonna do, fight me?" What an idiot. "Yeah! I'm gonna rip you to shreds!" Weak.. Does he know who I am? Nope.
He was the first to make a move. He took a swing at my face. I stepped back. He missed. My turn. I kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying. He slammed into the wall and groaned. I walked over and stepped on his hand. He went silent as he stared at me shocked.
"Good. Now little bitch, keep away from me. Next time you get in my way." I crouched down and grabbed his collar, pulling him fowrd. I whisper in his ear. "You're gone."

He nodded and ran over to his group covering his face with his hands. In shame. I laughed. What a loser!

Beat up Delinquents POV (Lol idk!)

Who was that? He beat me in a couple hits. Hes... strong. My friends? busted out laughing at my defeat. I was the strongest of my group other than our leader.  He was odd. No one's that strong.  He barley had any emotion showing. He was like... dead inside? Why was he looking for our friend? When green freak left, he left a note... it was a bit odd. I sound like a fucking kid.

Hey shitheads! He never used that profanity at us. It's so.. not like him. He would never leave just like that... he dosent even have a family, they died. "Guy's? Don't you think it's odd that green freak left just like that? In his note he said his family is boring. His whole family died. Remember?"
"Right! He wouldn't call us shitheads! He never cursed at us!" Another yelled. Teal Streaked girl glared at him.
"Are you trying to make us deaf?" She said in annoyance.
"No!" He screamed again. He cleared his throat. " I mean no?." He says quietly. We decide to get help from the one person who knows all... info chan.

We contacted info chan and talked to her.

(Info chan is Bold)

Is this info chan? If so i need info?


Yes this is info chan. I know it's you so you get it free after all i owe you.

Our friend disappeared. It was weird. He said his family is boring. The thing is his family died.

Well I will tell you most of what I know but whom?

Green hair.

Okay well... he was killed by a girl.


Well, this girl is hates this boy.. since her senpai likes him. She wants to be the only one to harm him.  .. Green raped the boy and she killed him.


Yes, he was killed yesterday. The boy he raped was unpopular and is very weak. Thats all i can say.

Ayano's POV

I saw the new kid walking down the hall with Oka's lifeless body hanging over his shoulder.

The new kid looked strong. He must like Shin if he killed Oka of his first day. Something dropped out of his pocket. I wanted till he turned the corner to grab the note pad.

I quickly ran to the gaming club. I sat down in the chair and read the notes. 'Elimination list to get Shin' I looked at the names Oka's name was crossed off. I read down the list Budo, Taro,  I saw two other names. I read them, green haired delinquent. I kept looking down the list and saw Ayano. I read the note on the side "I don't know it's a mabey I'll have to find out."
Ew I don't like that fag.

I ran back to were in found it and placed it on the floor. I saw him come back in. His knuckles were bruised. He must have put one of those tramps in their place.

He looked at the floor were it was. He froze he looked around and picked it up.  "Fuck!" He whispered


Info chan: Be careful, the delinquents are looking for the killer of green and his victim. Watch your back...

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